Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Soooooo, after taking about a month off from blogging, I have made the decision to continue this blog.  Only because several people have made a mention that they want it to continue and the last conversation I had with someone stood out the most.  ( I won't mention any names LOL)

It has been brought to my attention that people want to know the following things:

1.  Hear about the experiences I have with people on the subway or bus.

2.  Want to see me finish my Top Ten Bucket List

3.  What happened with the War of the Neighbors Episodes?

4.  Want to see what else happens in my life.

Then it was also brought to my attention that it wasn't fair to the people who enjoyed and looked forward to my blog to see what is going on in my little world over here in Boston.  So there you have it....I will continue this blog and I hope I can keep your attention span in the future. 

I have several blogs brewing in my head that I can write about so be on the lookout for some shortly. 

Well until next time....

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