Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, April 16, 2012


Well back in January I started the Weight Watchers 2012 Points Plus program.    And one of the things that I like about being a monthly paying member you get to set up a profile kind of like Facebook and you can post recipes, pictures and make new friends.  I have a blog on there that I post every few days, so I've decided that I  think I'm going share some of my blogs about my progress and share with you the good the bad and the ugly.  

They say that when you take accountability for the actions that you make, it's a good thing and you should feel good about it. Last week was definitely an UGLY week for me. I've been having some issues with my fibromyalgia and it is really irritating but I'm not using that as an excuse of course. I haven't been able to exercise as much as I want to and it really has been frustrating. And then on top of that I feel like I'm hungry ALL the time!

I was also totally obsessed with prosciutto and olives which are big NO NO's! But do I care when I know the high amount of sodium will not agree with my body? Doesn't seem like it. I really felt like a crack addict and I didn't like it one bit. Let's see if any of you can relate to the following things I'm going to list. These are some of the things that I have done last week:

1. Standing in the kitchen in the dark eating slices of provolone cheese.
2. Spooning olives out of the jar, eating them then feeling some sort of relief when I eat them.
3. Eating when I'm not hungry and asking myself "Why are you eating you are not hungry" (And I do say this out loud to myself)
4. Breaking down and going to my favorite pizza place and ordering the clam strip dinner where the dinner is a whopping 33 points!!!! (YIKES)
5. Drinking a ton of water before I go to bed hoping that it will magically melt some of the food away?  (All that does is makes me get up in the middle of the night.)
6. Eating sprinkles for a sugar fix.....this is a new low for me. Especially since I was eating them in bed...fell asleep and woke up with sprinkles stuck to my face. *hangs head in shame*

Now looking back at the list of things I have done it makes me chuckle because I live why am I doing it in fear that someone is going to catch me? I know that I may not be alone in some of these addiction like tendencies but in the end, I have taken accountability for every single one of my actions.

I realize that I shouldn't be ashamed, and I did put my big girl panties on and go to my weigh in on Saturday instead of being a coward because I don't want to see the numbers go up. And you know what?  I survived!  Granted I was up 1.8 pounds but I thought it would have been more and I took my little folder told the lady that weighed me in "Thanks!" and went about my way.  No angry faces, pouting or being mad....just glad it wasn't more than that.

Well until next time....

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