Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, April 28, 2012


You know how they say that you are your own worst critic.  Anyone who has struggled with a weight problem knows exactly what I'm talking about.  You put yourself down, you look in the mirror and tell yourself how disgusting you look, you don't feel attractive and you find it very hard to accept a compliment when someone gives it to you.  So this week at the WW meeting the topic was learning how to be your own best friend.

Our leader Roz (who is fantastic by the way), told us to write down qualities about ourselves that would make us a good candidate to be her friend who would be supportive in her weight loss journey.  Then after we wrote those things down she asked us to tell her what we wrote, I wrote down that I am:

Good Listener

Then she said are we these things to ourselves and if not, why aren't we.  Because we are important too?  She gave us these cards and told us to write down what gift we choose to give ourselves and mine as you notice is blank because I couldn't think of anything.  

So I thought about it....and I can be very hard on myself all the time.  But I know that when people that I care about are having a situation and need support I am always right there.   I do need to learn to be there for myself, I need to be my own motivator and be the biggest cheerleader for myself.  

Don't get me wrong, on my weight loss journey this time...I have a tremendous amount of support from my friends and my family.  And I have the most wonderful man in my life who reminds me every day of the qualities that I have listed above. And if it wasn't for all of this positive reinforcement, I would have given up and quit by now but I'm not and it's because of the fact that I choose to surround myself with positive people who support me.   

So I guess I choose to give myself the gift of "FORGIVENESS" because I'm not perfect, I will slip up and have days where I do fall off the wagon.  But that doesn't mean I should give up...I just need to dust myself off, move on and continue to my goal no matter how long it takes!

Well until next time....

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