Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, April 16, 2012


So I think one of the things I will be blogging about frequently is my weight loss journey.  Now I'm not going to tell you jokers what I weigh or anything but I will disclose the good the bad and the ugly things that I will go through.  Anyone who has had weight issues will be able to relate to some things.  And those of you who have been on the Weight Watchers plan before are familiar with it.  This will be my third time on the Weight Watcher program because the other times I was on it I kept having some health issues getting in the way of me being successful.  But after not having very many health issues after my last surgery almost 2 years ago I think this is the best time for me to do this. For those of you who are not familiar with this program, I will give you a brief synopsis of what the program is.

Based on your weight, you get a daily amount of points to use for the day.  Each food that you eat is worth a certain amount of points and you deduct as you go along by tracking in your little paper tracker or online if you are a monthly member.  Then on top of your daily points you get a weekly allowance of 49 additional points to use if you want to splurge or if you go over your daily points you can use them.  And you can earn points by exercising and whatever activity you chose to do depending on the intensity of the exercise you earn a certain amount of points based on your weight.  The one thing you have to remember is you cannot roll over any points daily or if you haven't used your weekly or activity points they do not roll over you use them or lose them....what do you think this is AT&T with the roll over minutes?  In your dreams and you can't "Have it your Way" because this is not Burger King either! 

The good thing is there is an abundance list of fruits and vegetables that are "0" points so if you plan things wisely you can have a mean and it is little or no points.  The other good thing is you can have whatever you want....just remember you have to use your points.  So you do tend to choose carefully and think twice before eating that plateful of General Tso's Chicken.  They also focus on "Power Foods" that you should eat so they keep you satisfied longer. 

Also being part of the online WW community you learn all sorts of things from different members especially lifetime members and it is a very POSITIVE community and they cheer you on when you do good and when you do bad they help pick you up and encourage you to keep on with the plan.  Not judge or criticize you when you eat something that may not be the wisest choice.  They know because they have been there and understand the feeling. 

That pretty much is the basics of the program.  So you will see me blogging about this in the future and you will see terms like:

OP - On program
WP - Weekly Points
AP - Activity Points
SV - Scale Victory
NSV - Non-scale Victory
WL - Weight loss
WI - Weigh In
PPV - Points Plus Values
WW - Weight Watchers

Just so you know what I'm talking about.  I will also share recipes with you that I have tried that are WW recipes that are good.  I will also try to share pictures with you as well. 

Well until next time....

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