Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, April 16, 2012


Honestly the girls have been quiet and haven't caused much drama lately, the couple downstairs will be moving out soon. (Boooooo!)   They have been staying away from the girls and the girls have been staying away from them.  And recently I have started talking to more neighbors that live across the way and they are dog people!  YAY!

One day I'm standing outside with one neighbor while Zoey and her dog were playing when the girls walk by with their dogs and Zoey went ballistic!  I have never seen her like that before, she does NOT like them at all.  And one of the people in the neighborhood come over with her dog and asked if Zoey was friendly because she saw Zoey's reaction just minutes before. And I did tell her Zoey is she puts her dog down and Zoey was happy as a clam and they were running around chasing each other.  Zoey got alot of exercise that day. 

So as our dogs were playing, it has been brought to my attention that other people in the neighborhood do not like those girls and this one neighbor was reluctant to talk to us because she doesn't want to cause any problems by talking to us.  So word on the street is my entire neighborhood does not like those girls and yet they think everybody loves them.  If only they knew.....

Oh and it has been confirmed that they do stare out there window when they know that we are outside talking to other people.  They really need to get a life!

Well until next time....

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