Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, April 30, 2012


Did you ever have one of those days where everything just goes wrong?  My day has been like that and it’s not even noon yet.  Ever since I got out of bed this morning everything has been going wrong.  I forgot my lunch and snacks on my kitchen counter, I was irritated by the rude people on my train that would not give their seat to a kid who was on crutches (if I had a seat I would have given him mine) trying to pay my bills online and I can’t, and every thing I have touched at work has been a problem involving many steps to complete something so simple.  Mondays already suck because it officially means your weekend is over, so to have a rough start on top of the weekend being over REALLY sucks.  And then to top it all off I get a phone call from my doctor’s office….my vitamin D and B-12 levels are very low again.  No wonder I haven’t been feeling well lately.  Oh well gotta go to the store for the vitamin B-12 and I have to pick up my prescription for my vitamin D shots after work.  I’ve had to do this before and I hate giving myself a shot…..GRRRRR!

*UPDATE - I don't have to do the shots....just a pill form for 6 weeks instead of 4 weeks.  YAY!

I feel sorry for anyone who crosses me today because I am not in the mood for nonsense.

On a good note, instead of wallowing in my self pity and stuffing my face…I haven’t thought about food all day!  And I saw this lady riding a bike in her business suit rocking some high heels!  She is my hero!!!

Well until next time....

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