Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, April 28, 2012


How many of you blamed your dog for eating your homework during your younger years in school or in college.  My previous dog Muffin actually destroyed a $200 book when I was in college...I was so mad!  As you can see from the blog title is a very true statement.  Now I'm not one who is a fan of exercise but lately I have been trying to make more of an effort because I know how important it is on this weight loss journey.  

But if I could come up with any excuse "my dog ate my workout pants" would be so far from my mind to even say seriously.  Now since I only bought one pair of workout pants I don't want to invest too much money into workout wear just yet.  But now I have none and have to go buy some let me tell you what happened.

Yesterday I came home and I was so tired so I took Zoey for a walk and crawled into bed.  I always have to check to make sure things of mine are picked up because Zoey tends to "destroy" them when I'm not paying attention to her.  So I scanned my room and thought all was clear.  Except my pants that I had laid out on the other side of my bed with my shirt for this morning's weigh in.  I do this because I get up at 5:15 in the morning since I have to catch the 6:00am bus to get to my 7:30am meeting.  So I just want to have everything ready.

I wake up and of course Zoey comes running to give me kisses and she has this black fabric on her....I'm like what is this and what are you doing...that's when I noticed the butt of my workout pants is missing and her head is sticking through it.  LMAO!!!!  

She couldn't have been so busted!  So as I'm laughing I'm thinking...nooooooooo that's my weigh in outfit!!!!  What am I to I found another pair of pants that was acceptable...and went to my WI this morning.

No loss and no gain....I'll take that.  But I'm wondering if I went in my normal weigh in outfit if it would have been different and I had a loss?  Oh well!

Well until next time....

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