Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, April 30, 2012


And I wasn't the one who was desperate for them and I bet you are wondering why you see this picture of an empty torn Nathan's fry container that has cheese.  Let me tell you what happened.

Yup after this day I went and got some cheese fries tonight.  Don't worry I had enough points within my daily points today everybody!  Well this is going to be short but sweet, so I came home and after I finished the cheese fries I threw the box in the trash but I didn't put the lid on the trash can.  So I'm on the phone with a friend and I told her hold on, Zoey is so quiet and I have to see what she is doing.  I go into the kitchen and turn on the light and Zoey comes running out of the kitchen.  So that's not a good sign then I look on the floor and find the evidence the bottom part of the container is half gone from Zoey.  LMAO!!!!  Then I call her and she comes running and she has cheese sauce on the top of her head.  Ha ha!  (I really should have gotten a picture of that!)

I just can't stop laughing and I so needed it after today.  That dog is too much!  Now she is sleeping...I guess being a busy body can be exhausting!  I really hope that cheese sauce doesn't make her sick.

Well until next time....


Did you ever have one of those days where everything just goes wrong?  My day has been like that and it’s not even noon yet.  Ever since I got out of bed this morning everything has been going wrong.  I forgot my lunch and snacks on my kitchen counter, I was irritated by the rude people on my train that would not give their seat to a kid who was on crutches (if I had a seat I would have given him mine) trying to pay my bills online and I can’t, and every thing I have touched at work has been a problem involving many steps to complete something so simple.  Mondays already suck because it officially means your weekend is over, so to have a rough start on top of the weekend being over REALLY sucks.  And then to top it all off I get a phone call from my doctor’s office….my vitamin D and B-12 levels are very low again.  No wonder I haven’t been feeling well lately.  Oh well gotta go to the store for the vitamin B-12 and I have to pick up my prescription for my vitamin D shots after work.  I’ve had to do this before and I hate giving myself a shot…..GRRRRR!

*UPDATE - I don't have to do the shots....just a pill form for 6 weeks instead of 4 weeks.  YAY!

I feel sorry for anyone who crosses me today because I am not in the mood for nonsense.

On a good note, instead of wallowing in my self pity and stuffing my face…I haven’t thought about food all day!  And I saw this lady riding a bike in her business suit rocking some high heels!  She is my hero!!!

Well until next time....

Saturday, April 28, 2012


You know how they say that you are your own worst critic.  Anyone who has struggled with a weight problem knows exactly what I'm talking about.  You put yourself down, you look in the mirror and tell yourself how disgusting you look, you don't feel attractive and you find it very hard to accept a compliment when someone gives it to you.  So this week at the WW meeting the topic was learning how to be your own best friend.

Our leader Roz (who is fantastic by the way), told us to write down qualities about ourselves that would make us a good candidate to be her friend who would be supportive in her weight loss journey.  Then after we wrote those things down she asked us to tell her what we wrote, I wrote down that I am:

Good Listener

Then she said are we these things to ourselves and if not, why aren't we.  Because we are important too?  She gave us these cards and told us to write down what gift we choose to give ourselves and mine as you notice is blank because I couldn't think of anything.  

So I thought about it....and I can be very hard on myself all the time.  But I know that when people that I care about are having a situation and need support I am always right there.   I do need to learn to be there for myself, I need to be my own motivator and be the biggest cheerleader for myself.  

Don't get me wrong, on my weight loss journey this time...I have a tremendous amount of support from my friends and my family.  And I have the most wonderful man in my life who reminds me every day of the qualities that I have listed above. And if it wasn't for all of this positive reinforcement, I would have given up and quit by now but I'm not and it's because of the fact that I choose to surround myself with positive people who support me.   

So I guess I choose to give myself the gift of "FORGIVENESS" because I'm not perfect, I will slip up and have days where I do fall off the wagon.  But that doesn't mean I should give up...I just need to dust myself off, move on and continue to my goal no matter how long it takes!

Well until next time....


How many of you blamed your dog for eating your homework during your younger years in school or in college.  My previous dog Muffin actually destroyed a $200 book when I was in college...I was so mad!  As you can see from the blog title is a very true statement.  Now I'm not one who is a fan of exercise but lately I have been trying to make more of an effort because I know how important it is on this weight loss journey.  

But if I could come up with any excuse "my dog ate my workout pants" would be so far from my mind to even say seriously.  Now since I only bought one pair of workout pants I don't want to invest too much money into workout wear just yet.  But now I have none and have to go buy some let me tell you what happened.

Yesterday I came home and I was so tired so I took Zoey for a walk and crawled into bed.  I always have to check to make sure things of mine are picked up because Zoey tends to "destroy" them when I'm not paying attention to her.  So I scanned my room and thought all was clear.  Except my pants that I had laid out on the other side of my bed with my shirt for this morning's weigh in.  I do this because I get up at 5:15 in the morning since I have to catch the 6:00am bus to get to my 7:30am meeting.  So I just want to have everything ready.

I wake up and of course Zoey comes running to give me kisses and she has this black fabric on her....I'm like what is this and what are you doing...that's when I noticed the butt of my workout pants is missing and her head is sticking through it.  LMAO!!!!  

She couldn't have been so busted!  So as I'm laughing I'm thinking...nooooooooo that's my weigh in outfit!!!!  What am I to I found another pair of pants that was acceptable...and went to my WI this morning.

No loss and no gain....I'll take that.  But I'm wondering if I went in my normal weigh in outfit if it would have been different and I had a loss?  Oh well!

Well until next time....

Thursday, April 26, 2012



Okay well they are not dead but they are MOVING!!!  That was like sweet music to my ears when I heard the news!  So this weekend the neighborhood will be a much happier place...especially on my side of the road.  

I don't know if my neighbor who needed to move will still be moving....but word on the street is there is no rush...because there will be no one here to cause a problem for her and complain about nonsense.  

So I am just so happy that this drama is going to come to an end and we call all live in happiness and peace!

Well until next time....

Monday, April 16, 2012


Well back in January I started the Weight Watchers 2012 Points Plus program.    And one of the things that I like about being a monthly paying member you get to set up a profile kind of like Facebook and you can post recipes, pictures and make new friends.  I have a blog on there that I post every few days, so I've decided that I  think I'm going share some of my blogs about my progress and share with you the good the bad and the ugly.  

They say that when you take accountability for the actions that you make, it's a good thing and you should feel good about it. Last week was definitely an UGLY week for me. I've been having some issues with my fibromyalgia and it is really irritating but I'm not using that as an excuse of course. I haven't been able to exercise as much as I want to and it really has been frustrating. And then on top of that I feel like I'm hungry ALL the time!

I was also totally obsessed with prosciutto and olives which are big NO NO's! But do I care when I know the high amount of sodium will not agree with my body? Doesn't seem like it. I really felt like a crack addict and I didn't like it one bit. Let's see if any of you can relate to the following things I'm going to list. These are some of the things that I have done last week:

1. Standing in the kitchen in the dark eating slices of provolone cheese.
2. Spooning olives out of the jar, eating them then feeling some sort of relief when I eat them.
3. Eating when I'm not hungry and asking myself "Why are you eating you are not hungry" (And I do say this out loud to myself)
4. Breaking down and going to my favorite pizza place and ordering the clam strip dinner where the dinner is a whopping 33 points!!!! (YIKES)
5. Drinking a ton of water before I go to bed hoping that it will magically melt some of the food away?  (All that does is makes me get up in the middle of the night.)
6. Eating sprinkles for a sugar fix.....this is a new low for me. Especially since I was eating them in bed...fell asleep and woke up with sprinkles stuck to my face. *hangs head in shame*

Now looking back at the list of things I have done it makes me chuckle because I live why am I doing it in fear that someone is going to catch me? I know that I may not be alone in some of these addiction like tendencies but in the end, I have taken accountability for every single one of my actions.

I realize that I shouldn't be ashamed, and I did put my big girl panties on and go to my weigh in on Saturday instead of being a coward because I don't want to see the numbers go up. And you know what?  I survived!  Granted I was up 1.8 pounds but I thought it would have been more and I took my little folder told the lady that weighed me in "Thanks!" and went about my way.  No angry faces, pouting or being mad....just glad it wasn't more than that.

Well until next time....


So I think one of the things I will be blogging about frequently is my weight loss journey.  Now I'm not going to tell you jokers what I weigh or anything but I will disclose the good the bad and the ugly things that I will go through.  Anyone who has had weight issues will be able to relate to some things.  And those of you who have been on the Weight Watchers plan before are familiar with it.  This will be my third time on the Weight Watcher program because the other times I was on it I kept having some health issues getting in the way of me being successful.  But after not having very many health issues after my last surgery almost 2 years ago I think this is the best time for me to do this. For those of you who are not familiar with this program, I will give you a brief synopsis of what the program is.

Based on your weight, you get a daily amount of points to use for the day.  Each food that you eat is worth a certain amount of points and you deduct as you go along by tracking in your little paper tracker or online if you are a monthly member.  Then on top of your daily points you get a weekly allowance of 49 additional points to use if you want to splurge or if you go over your daily points you can use them.  And you can earn points by exercising and whatever activity you chose to do depending on the intensity of the exercise you earn a certain amount of points based on your weight.  The one thing you have to remember is you cannot roll over any points daily or if you haven't used your weekly or activity points they do not roll over you use them or lose them....what do you think this is AT&T with the roll over minutes?  In your dreams and you can't "Have it your Way" because this is not Burger King either! 

The good thing is there is an abundance list of fruits and vegetables that are "0" points so if you plan things wisely you can have a mean and it is little or no points.  The other good thing is you can have whatever you want....just remember you have to use your points.  So you do tend to choose carefully and think twice before eating that plateful of General Tso's Chicken.  They also focus on "Power Foods" that you should eat so they keep you satisfied longer. 

Also being part of the online WW community you learn all sorts of things from different members especially lifetime members and it is a very POSITIVE community and they cheer you on when you do good and when you do bad they help pick you up and encourage you to keep on with the plan.  Not judge or criticize you when you eat something that may not be the wisest choice.  They know because they have been there and understand the feeling. 

That pretty much is the basics of the program.  So you will see me blogging about this in the future and you will see terms like:

OP - On program
WP - Weekly Points
AP - Activity Points
SV - Scale Victory
NSV - Non-scale Victory
WL - Weight loss
WI - Weigh In
PPV - Points Plus Values
WW - Weight Watchers

Just so you know what I'm talking about.  I will also share recipes with you that I have tried that are WW recipes that are good.  I will also try to share pictures with you as well. 

Well until next time....


Honestly the girls have been quiet and haven't caused much drama lately, the couple downstairs will be moving out soon. (Boooooo!)   They have been staying away from the girls and the girls have been staying away from them.  And recently I have started talking to more neighbors that live across the way and they are dog people!  YAY!

One day I'm standing outside with one neighbor while Zoey and her dog were playing when the girls walk by with their dogs and Zoey went ballistic!  I have never seen her like that before, she does NOT like them at all.  And one of the people in the neighborhood come over with her dog and asked if Zoey was friendly because she saw Zoey's reaction just minutes before. And I did tell her Zoey is she puts her dog down and Zoey was happy as a clam and they were running around chasing each other.  Zoey got alot of exercise that day. 

So as our dogs were playing, it has been brought to my attention that other people in the neighborhood do not like those girls and this one neighbor was reluctant to talk to us because she doesn't want to cause any problems by talking to us.  So word on the street is my entire neighborhood does not like those girls and yet they think everybody loves them.  If only they knew.....

Oh and it has been confirmed that they do stare out there window when they know that we are outside talking to other people.  They really need to get a life!

Well until next time....

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Soooooo, after taking about a month off from blogging, I have made the decision to continue this blog.  Only because several people have made a mention that they want it to continue and the last conversation I had with someone stood out the most.  ( I won't mention any names LOL)

It has been brought to my attention that people want to know the following things:

1.  Hear about the experiences I have with people on the subway or bus.

2.  Want to see me finish my Top Ten Bucket List

3.  What happened with the War of the Neighbors Episodes?

4.  Want to see what else happens in my life.

Then it was also brought to my attention that it wasn't fair to the people who enjoyed and looked forward to my blog to see what is going on in my little world over here in Boston.  So there you have it....I will continue this blog and I hope I can keep your attention span in the future. 

I have several blogs brewing in my head that I can write about so be on the lookout for some shortly. 

Well until next time....