Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Well, what would a day be without Zoey doing something?  She is always doing something which is why my home life is very entertaining even though I live alone.

Sooo, one day I'm watching TV just like any other day and I decide I'm going to wash the dishes in the sink.  I finish cleaning up the kitchen and I'm walking back into the living room and what do I see?  I see Zoey leaning over on the TV tray drinking my Kool-Aid out of my glass!!!!!

I yelled "HEY!  GET YOUR LITTLE DOG LIPS OFF OF MY GLASS!!!"  She then took off and ran underneath the bed.  Then I'm thinking to myself do dogs have lips?  Then I thought wait a long has she been doing that and I didn't know?  LOL  I tell ya, she definitely keeps me going!

Also now her favorite spot is now under the couch....I didn't even think she could fit under there because my couch is so low to the ground....but she can:

Boy I love that dog!

Well until next time....

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