Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Thursday, May 19, 2011


So today was a pretty good day, started out laughing my butt off at work.  Brian photo shopped a picture of Lisa and he said this is what Lisa would look like if she had extensive plastic surgery, you should have seen the picture, her eyebrows were almost on top of her head, her lips were like three times the size they really are, her eyes were pulled back, it was HI-LARIOUS!!!  We all were laughing for like 15 mins so what a great way to start the day especially at work.

So before I leave the office is when my day gets a little blah...the rain started...AGAIN...then I come home and Zoey's crate is waiting at the front door.  YAY!  I reach into my mailbox to get my mail and there is a handwritten note in there and it says this:

WTH???!!!  First of all I know who this was, it was from these two women who live in the house in front of mine on the second floor.  Second of all, come to my door and tell me if you have a problem with me and think I'm not "DOING MY SHARE".  Third, I was told that taking out the trash was "YOUR THING" when I was taking the bins out one day.  And I KNOW when trash day is.

I'm just peeved that they just assumed that I wasn't doing it because I didn't want to, so after I walked Zoey, I took all the bins out by myself.  People are such cowards by leaving notes....if you are so big and bad to leave a note knock on my door and tell me to my face!

Well until next time.....

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