Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Well those of you that know me well, know I do NOT like to change doctors.  Once I find a doctor whom I like and one who knows what the hell they are doing, I don't like to change.  So when I moved to Boston, I had plans of visiting my doctors in Dallas when I went to visit.  Because of this insurance program that I'm with, things were not going to work out that off I hunt to find a new doctor.

Finally I decide on a doctor by the name of Dr. Mani who is close to where I live and it is easy for me to get there and she specializes in Diabetes which runs strongly in my family.  So I set up an appointment and I go on Thursday.  I go inside the building and look around with eyes wide open like a kid in a candy store.  This place is pretty big!  I go to the second floor and this is just where you check-in and pay your co-pay before you see your doctor.  After that I'm told to go to the third floor to my doctor wait a few minutes and I'm called in by the nurse.

The first dreaded thing is getting on the scale....well we all know that is not the most pleasant experience, but I was not terrified of the number, I was actually okay with it for now.  It could have been worse.  Then they measure me.....5'2 1/2"????  What?????  The last time I was measured I was 5' 3 1/2".  Where did that inch go???  I want it anyhoo after that shocker I get placed in a room.  The nurse who was very nice took all of my vitals and asks me about my health history...out comes the manilla envelope with 2 years of my medical history plus my medical file from the hospital over several visits.  When I handed her the pile of paperwork which also included names and phone numbers of my primary care doctor, rheumatologist and a list of my meds including the dosage of them there was silence and a blank stare.  I asked her if everything was okay and she said yes....we never have anyone come with this much paperwork I think this is all we need doctor will be in soon.

As I'm waiting for the doctor I'm wearing that lovely gown that needs to be open in the back and that stupid paper blanket.  Do they really think that is supposed to keep you warm?  I was freezing in there.  Finally she comes in very nice and soft spoken we go through my appointment she asks my family medical history which is a treat to go through.  When we finish, she gives me a green paper and I have to go pick up a prescription (finally meds for my high blood pressure) and then I have to go to the lab, then on my way to work.

So to sum things up, even though I was poked and prodded, made to pee in a cup, stabbed twice and had 5 vials of blood stolen (damn vampires) I survived and got through that.  On the bright side, I found out that I can spend the day there and not be bored, go in early, have some liposuction done, sit in recovery for a few minutes, go down to the gift shop read a magazine, go to Dunkin' Donuts have a donut, then end the day with dinner at the Chinese restaurant with some good food.  Doesn't sound so bad does it?

Well until next time.....

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