Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Well, today was a pretty good day. Once a year our company has a requirement to volunteer for an organization in our community.  Trying to promote people to be more involved in the community.  I do enjoy this as I was very involved in volunteering in the Dallas community when I was in Texas.  It kind of makes me feel like I do make a difference, if it is just for one moment, that is one moment that I made a difference in someones life or an animals life.  And it makes me feel good about myself. 

Where we volunteered was at a facility that either houses children or helps them in bad home situations.  Good thing about this place is they offer programs to help these children up to the age of 22.  Most states the kids hit 18 and the state is pretty much like "see ya and good luck!".  So I felt good about volunteering there.

Our first job was to remove the paintings from the window in the cafeteria, it was Wonder Woman (My idol), Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, and Spider-Man.  One of my co-workers asked if they were the Fantastic Four....I had to correct them on that one LOL!  As we were armed (oh I mean given) razor blades to scrape the paint off the windows, we go to town on the windows.  I didn't know this but if you spray Windex on the paint it comes off alot easier, so there's a tidbit for those of you who may need to know that.  We did this fairly quickly as we were able to have a break in between the next job.  So two people went to Dunkin' Donuts to make a run, and I ordered an apple juice.  They return and I felt like Zoey waiting for a treat, I was all excited as they were passing out the drinks thinking I'm going to be next. turn never came!  They didn't know what happened to the apple juice but I didn't get it.  They tried to make good by offering me different juice out of the vending machine or water...but I wanted apple juice!  

Our next job was to clean and organize the shelves in one of their classrooms, this was a dirty task, it was a very small classroom and it was very dusty in there.  And I must say that we all did a fantastic job and the center appreciated us doing that as it would have been a huge task for the teacher in that room.

After we were finished there we go back to the office to go to work....I was no good after that...tired, hungry and just not wanting to work.  

But today was a good day because we volunteered and you know what?  I realize that I work with some really great people!  So that made the day even more awesome!

Well until next time....

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