Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, May 28, 2011


One of the best things that I enjoy about working in downtown Boston in the Financial District's near EVERYTHING!  Sites to see, food, shopping, food, trains, food, and did I mention FOOD???  Everything is close from pharmacies, to banks, to doctors offices and to restaurants.  There is an abundant amount of restaurants to choose from, any type of cuisine that you enjoy, American, Chinese, Italian, Cuban, Delis, Mexican, and Turkish.  And many more that I really can't think of at this time.  And there are so many coffee shops here too...right just the place to be for a recovering coffee addict.  Caffeine free since November 2010!

So one day during lunch Brian and I decided to go to McDonald's so I can get the awesome Frozen Strawberry Lemonade and he can get lunch and we walk over to the Holocaust Memorial which was very cool.  There were some memorial stones and located on top were colored stones with names and messages on them.  Brian explained to me that it is a practice that people of the Jewish faith leave stones instead of flowers on a relatives grave.  It makes sense because stones never wither and die or need to be replaced.  (Brian is like a walking encyclopedia!)  It was very cool, but eerie when you walk through as there are grates in the ground where warm steam comes up.  Kind of gave me a chill as I was walking through.

Then across the street were some old restaurants that have been in Boston forever, if I'm not mistaken, since the early 1800's?  One of them to be The Bell in Hand, which has been around the longest since 1795. AMAZING!

So during this day it was warm and I finished my Frozen Lemonade, so I got thirsty....what's a girl to do...we make a stop at a fountain

a horse drinking fountain!  NO I DIDN'T DRINK FROM THIS!

So it was a fun lunch break and I think that there will be many more to come!

Until next time....

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