Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Friday, May 13, 2011


So everyday I would walk Zoey and I could see a park through the yards across the street.  But I never knew how to get there...and one day Brian went on Bing maps (which is great) and we figured out how I could get there.  Well according to Bing maps I could just walk down my street and it looked like I could walk down a hill through some trees and bam...I could get to the park.  So I think...well that's not too complicated so that day I get motivated to go and I start walking that way get to the edge and it is a VERY steep hill through a very wooded area....I go home and I send Brian a text telling him there is NO way I'm going down that hill.

Well yesterday was gorgeous as today is gorgeous as well and I decide I'm going to find this park that I have looked at every day since I have been here.  So I start walking and eventually I find it YAY!  So me and Zoey get there and she is so excited, she waits as I take her leash off so she can stretch her legs and run. She starts walking around and sniffing of course because of all the new smells.  At first I started getting frustrated as I had to pry salami and cheese, tomato, dirt, and paper out of her mouth.  But then she looks across the way and sees another dog there...after that I was history, as in her little mind she is probably thinking "Hooray, another dog!  My mom is lame anyway!" She was so happy as the other dog was as they start sniffing each other and then just as quick as we got there, Zoey made a friend!

So I walk over and introduce myself to the other dog's owner and find out her name is Kate and her dog is Poqui.  (Short for Poquito)  Poqui compared to Zoey is very very small.  A little 6 lb cute!  Kate was very nice, so nice, she let Zoey drink Poqui's water as well as  giving Zoey a treat.  Or shall I say that Zoey just drank the water and went through her bag and found the treats so she felt guilty and gave Zoey one.  BUT she made Zoey work for it...she made her sit...and at first Zoey was not going to do it, and Kate told her you are going to have to work for it.  And Zoey finally sat.  I was so proud of her.  Zoey played, did some exploring, she watched a softball game going on, and I thought that she was going to run over there but she didn't.  Although she did try to follow one of the players when their ball came our way.  There were a couple of times that she wanted to go on the outside of the fence but she did listen and came back when I called her.

We were at the park for about an hour or so and then it started to get dark so we came home.  But while I was there Kate was nice enough to let me know about a dog park that was right down the street from the park we were at.  Now that is a bonus!  Not only did I find a park, but there is a dog park within walking distance from my house?  I am so lucky.

So in the end, Zoey had a good time and tried to get me to carry her on the way home because she didn't walk.  NO I didn't carry her....I made her walk.  She ended up sleeping most of the night because she was so tired.  I was tired as well too being that I was in bed before 11:00pm and slept all night!!!  Hopefully now that the weather is getting nice, I will be able to take Zoey to the park several days a week and it will get me out of the house and meet some new people.  

Well until next time....

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