Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, May 30, 2011


Well today was a pretty full day.  I left my house about 12:30pm and got home about 8:25pm.  Yeah, I know what you are thinking...long day.  You got that right it was a long day but it was worth every minute.  I took the train downtown to Back Bay/South End which is in Brian's area and met him there.  We then went to the mall at Copley Square and what a nice mall that was!  It actually reminded me of the Galleria in Dallas Texas.  My eyes opened wide as I looked at all the stores, Louis Vuitton, Jimmy Choo, Salvatore Ferragamo, Burberry, Michael Kors, Tiffany & Co, Williams-Sonoma, Kenneth Cole, and Coach.  One new store that specializes in teas called Teavana which I will be visiting that store again.  

Most of these stores I know I will never be able to shop there...UNLESS I finally hit that Powerball! (Note to self:  Purchase a Powerball ticket) And then they had other stores there, so we're walking through and out of all of them, I told Brian, I HAVE to stop in the Coach store and found a handbag of my dreams, did I purchase...not yet but one day.  

We saw the Teavana store which was quite interesting with different herbal teas and I was thinking boy was this the place for me!  I will have to go back and make a purchase there in the near future.  So then we walk into Kenneth Cole and JACKPOT! I found a nice pair of sunglasses which I was intending on buying today because I have been dying to wear my contacts but I can't wear them without having sunglasses.  So this was my small splurge today...I deserve it.  But Brian had the purchase of the day and what a shocker one of his items was 50% off, so that was pretty cool.

After this, were were obviously hungry and needed a break.  So we stop into Legal Sea Foods since I was wanting Fish and Chips.  And I was so happy about my sunglasses and my new case and oh so soft pouch to put them in.  Then I have this fabulous lunch with a nice glass of sangria...I have to say that this is the best glass of sangria I have ever had!  Brian made a good point, I was so happy that it seemed like I just got out of jail!  Ha ha ha! But hey...I enjoy myself when I get that a problem?

Please don't notice the fact that I'm eating a plate of fried foods (which wasn't greasy...weird) and I'm wearing my Get Healthy Texas shirt!  HA HA HA!

After that we venture outside where, we see various things....a full band playing in the street

A beautiful church in the distance

Fragrant flowers in front of an empty building

A beautiful pond in a park

And last but not least many, many interesting buildings.  This was my favorite...covered in ivy!

So this was a great day...and as I was telling Brian today, he really needs to start a photography group on how to see the PICTURE before you take the PICTURE.  I think I got some great shots today.  Will be uploading them to Facebook later.

Well until next time....

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Sorry this is so dark, but this is my first attempt at taking a video. I need to get a better camera one day.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


One of the best things that I enjoy about working in downtown Boston in the Financial District's near EVERYTHING!  Sites to see, food, shopping, food, trains, food, and did I mention FOOD???  Everything is close from pharmacies, to banks, to doctors offices and to restaurants.  There is an abundant amount of restaurants to choose from, any type of cuisine that you enjoy, American, Chinese, Italian, Cuban, Delis, Mexican, and Turkish.  And many more that I really can't think of at this time.  And there are so many coffee shops here too...right just the place to be for a recovering coffee addict.  Caffeine free since November 2010!

So one day during lunch Brian and I decided to go to McDonald's so I can get the awesome Frozen Strawberry Lemonade and he can get lunch and we walk over to the Holocaust Memorial which was very cool.  There were some memorial stones and located on top were colored stones with names and messages on them.  Brian explained to me that it is a practice that people of the Jewish faith leave stones instead of flowers on a relatives grave.  It makes sense because stones never wither and die or need to be replaced.  (Brian is like a walking encyclopedia!)  It was very cool, but eerie when you walk through as there are grates in the ground where warm steam comes up.  Kind of gave me a chill as I was walking through.

Then across the street were some old restaurants that have been in Boston forever, if I'm not mistaken, since the early 1800's?  One of them to be The Bell in Hand, which has been around the longest since 1795. AMAZING!

So during this day it was warm and I finished my Frozen Lemonade, so I got thirsty....what's a girl to do...we make a stop at a fountain

a horse drinking fountain!  NO I DIDN'T DRINK FROM THIS!

So it was a fun lunch break and I think that there will be many more to come!

Until next time....


This was more complicated than I thought it was going to be.  Who would have though editing this blog would be so hard.  Well I added a slideshow to the top and I'm trying to figure out how to make it for now, get a magnifying glass and enjoy the pictures at the top of my blog.

Pictures were contributed by my friend Brian.

Until next time....

Thursday, May 19, 2011


So today was a pretty good day, started out laughing my butt off at work.  Brian photo shopped a picture of Lisa and he said this is what Lisa would look like if she had extensive plastic surgery, you should have seen the picture, her eyebrows were almost on top of her head, her lips were like three times the size they really are, her eyes were pulled back, it was HI-LARIOUS!!!  We all were laughing for like 15 mins so what a great way to start the day especially at work.

So before I leave the office is when my day gets a little blah...the rain started...AGAIN...then I come home and Zoey's crate is waiting at the front door.  YAY!  I reach into my mailbox to get my mail and there is a handwritten note in there and it says this:

WTH???!!!  First of all I know who this was, it was from these two women who live in the house in front of mine on the second floor.  Second of all, come to my door and tell me if you have a problem with me and think I'm not "DOING MY SHARE".  Third, I was told that taking out the trash was "YOUR THING" when I was taking the bins out one day.  And I KNOW when trash day is.

I'm just peeved that they just assumed that I wasn't doing it because I didn't want to, so after I walked Zoey, I took all the bins out by myself.  People are such cowards by leaving notes....if you are so big and bad to leave a note knock on my door and tell me to my face!

Well until next time.....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Well, what would a day be without Zoey doing something?  She is always doing something which is why my home life is very entertaining even though I live alone.

Sooo, one day I'm watching TV just like any other day and I decide I'm going to wash the dishes in the sink.  I finish cleaning up the kitchen and I'm walking back into the living room and what do I see?  I see Zoey leaning over on the TV tray drinking my Kool-Aid out of my glass!!!!!

I yelled "HEY!  GET YOUR LITTLE DOG LIPS OFF OF MY GLASS!!!"  She then took off and ran underneath the bed.  Then I'm thinking to myself do dogs have lips?  Then I thought wait a long has she been doing that and I didn't know?  LOL  I tell ya, she definitely keeps me going!

Also now her favorite spot is now under the couch....I didn't even think she could fit under there because my couch is so low to the ground....but she can:

Boy I love that dog!

Well until next time....


Well, today was a pretty good day. Once a year our company has a requirement to volunteer for an organization in our community.  Trying to promote people to be more involved in the community.  I do enjoy this as I was very involved in volunteering in the Dallas community when I was in Texas.  It kind of makes me feel like I do make a difference, if it is just for one moment, that is one moment that I made a difference in someones life or an animals life.  And it makes me feel good about myself. 

Where we volunteered was at a facility that either houses children or helps them in bad home situations.  Good thing about this place is they offer programs to help these children up to the age of 22.  Most states the kids hit 18 and the state is pretty much like "see ya and good luck!".  So I felt good about volunteering there.

Our first job was to remove the paintings from the window in the cafeteria, it was Wonder Woman (My idol), Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, and Spider-Man.  One of my co-workers asked if they were the Fantastic Four....I had to correct them on that one LOL!  As we were armed (oh I mean given) razor blades to scrape the paint off the windows, we go to town on the windows.  I didn't know this but if you spray Windex on the paint it comes off alot easier, so there's a tidbit for those of you who may need to know that.  We did this fairly quickly as we were able to have a break in between the next job.  So two people went to Dunkin' Donuts to make a run, and I ordered an apple juice.  They return and I felt like Zoey waiting for a treat, I was all excited as they were passing out the drinks thinking I'm going to be next. turn never came!  They didn't know what happened to the apple juice but I didn't get it.  They tried to make good by offering me different juice out of the vending machine or water...but I wanted apple juice!  

Our next job was to clean and organize the shelves in one of their classrooms, this was a dirty task, it was a very small classroom and it was very dusty in there.  And I must say that we all did a fantastic job and the center appreciated us doing that as it would have been a huge task for the teacher in that room.

After we were finished there we go back to the office to go to work....I was no good after that...tired, hungry and just not wanting to work.  

But today was a good day because we volunteered and you know what?  I realize that I work with some really great people!  So that made the day even more awesome!

Well until next time....

Friday, May 13, 2011


So everyday I would walk Zoey and I could see a park through the yards across the street.  But I never knew how to get there...and one day Brian went on Bing maps (which is great) and we figured out how I could get there.  Well according to Bing maps I could just walk down my street and it looked like I could walk down a hill through some trees and bam...I could get to the park.  So I think...well that's not too complicated so that day I get motivated to go and I start walking that way get to the edge and it is a VERY steep hill through a very wooded area....I go home and I send Brian a text telling him there is NO way I'm going down that hill.

Well yesterday was gorgeous as today is gorgeous as well and I decide I'm going to find this park that I have looked at every day since I have been here.  So I start walking and eventually I find it YAY!  So me and Zoey get there and she is so excited, she waits as I take her leash off so she can stretch her legs and run. She starts walking around and sniffing of course because of all the new smells.  At first I started getting frustrated as I had to pry salami and cheese, tomato, dirt, and paper out of her mouth.  But then she looks across the way and sees another dog there...after that I was history, as in her little mind she is probably thinking "Hooray, another dog!  My mom is lame anyway!" She was so happy as the other dog was as they start sniffing each other and then just as quick as we got there, Zoey made a friend!

So I walk over and introduce myself to the other dog's owner and find out her name is Kate and her dog is Poqui.  (Short for Poquito)  Poqui compared to Zoey is very very small.  A little 6 lb cute!  Kate was very nice, so nice, she let Zoey drink Poqui's water as well as  giving Zoey a treat.  Or shall I say that Zoey just drank the water and went through her bag and found the treats so she felt guilty and gave Zoey one.  BUT she made Zoey work for it...she made her sit...and at first Zoey was not going to do it, and Kate told her you are going to have to work for it.  And Zoey finally sat.  I was so proud of her.  Zoey played, did some exploring, she watched a softball game going on, and I thought that she was going to run over there but she didn't.  Although she did try to follow one of the players when their ball came our way.  There were a couple of times that she wanted to go on the outside of the fence but she did listen and came back when I called her.

We were at the park for about an hour or so and then it started to get dark so we came home.  But while I was there Kate was nice enough to let me know about a dog park that was right down the street from the park we were at.  Now that is a bonus!  Not only did I find a park, but there is a dog park within walking distance from my house?  I am so lucky.

So in the end, Zoey had a good time and tried to get me to carry her on the way home because she didn't walk.  NO I didn't carry her....I made her walk.  She ended up sleeping most of the night because she was so tired.  I was tired as well too being that I was in bed before 11:00pm and slept all night!!!  Hopefully now that the weather is getting nice, I will be able to take Zoey to the park several days a week and it will get me out of the house and meet some new people.  

Well until next time....

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Well those of you that know me well, know I do NOT like to change doctors.  Once I find a doctor whom I like and one who knows what the hell they are doing, I don't like to change.  So when I moved to Boston, I had plans of visiting my doctors in Dallas when I went to visit.  Because of this insurance program that I'm with, things were not going to work out that off I hunt to find a new doctor.

Finally I decide on a doctor by the name of Dr. Mani who is close to where I live and it is easy for me to get there and she specializes in Diabetes which runs strongly in my family.  So I set up an appointment and I go on Thursday.  I go inside the building and look around with eyes wide open like a kid in a candy store.  This place is pretty big!  I go to the second floor and this is just where you check-in and pay your co-pay before you see your doctor.  After that I'm told to go to the third floor to my doctor wait a few minutes and I'm called in by the nurse.

The first dreaded thing is getting on the scale....well we all know that is not the most pleasant experience, but I was not terrified of the number, I was actually okay with it for now.  It could have been worse.  Then they measure me.....5'2 1/2"????  What?????  The last time I was measured I was 5' 3 1/2".  Where did that inch go???  I want it anyhoo after that shocker I get placed in a room.  The nurse who was very nice took all of my vitals and asks me about my health history...out comes the manilla envelope with 2 years of my medical history plus my medical file from the hospital over several visits.  When I handed her the pile of paperwork which also included names and phone numbers of my primary care doctor, rheumatologist and a list of my meds including the dosage of them there was silence and a blank stare.  I asked her if everything was okay and she said yes....we never have anyone come with this much paperwork I think this is all we need doctor will be in soon.

As I'm waiting for the doctor I'm wearing that lovely gown that needs to be open in the back and that stupid paper blanket.  Do they really think that is supposed to keep you warm?  I was freezing in there.  Finally she comes in very nice and soft spoken we go through my appointment she asks my family medical history which is a treat to go through.  When we finish, she gives me a green paper and I have to go pick up a prescription (finally meds for my high blood pressure) and then I have to go to the lab, then on my way to work.

So to sum things up, even though I was poked and prodded, made to pee in a cup, stabbed twice and had 5 vials of blood stolen (damn vampires) I survived and got through that.  On the bright side, I found out that I can spend the day there and not be bored, go in early, have some liposuction done, sit in recovery for a few minutes, go down to the gift shop read a magazine, go to Dunkin' Donuts have a donut, then end the day with dinner at the Chinese restaurant with some good food.  Doesn't sound so bad does it?

Well until next time.....


So, it has been almost two months here for me in the Boston area.  Do I like it?  Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but I do miss a familiar place.  I miss going to the dollar movie theatre with friends, or just hanging out at a friends house for the day.  Hopping in my car and taking Zoey to the dog park.  Going to my DAIP meetings and being active in that organization.

Being in a new place is never easy even if you have lived in a state for a long time, the stress of packing, moving, unpacking, getting used to your new area and neighbors.  It is still a change and sometimes people do not do well with change.  I have always thought that I was one that would always go with the flow, new things or people never bother me, and new situations always  excited me.

I'm finding that as I age, change is more terrifying to me.  When things aren't the "same" they just don't seem right.  I don't regret moving here, but I do tend to think was this the right time for me to make the move?  Deep down inside, I know it was.  It feels like I have an angel sitting on one shoulder and the devil sitting on the other...both telling me what I should be doing.  15 years ago, I would have been more brave and just go on and do things.  Now I tend to think about things more before I do them.  Is it because if something happens to me I don't have a wide support group here as I did when I was in Texas?  What will happen to Zoey if something happened to me?  What will happen to me if I do end up going in the hospital again?  It seems like I always was the optimistic one and never thought of the "bad" things that could happen, I would always think of the good things, like skipping through a meadow with rose colored glasses on. 

Alot of my friends and family keep telling me you have to go out and do things, get to know your area...etc.  But it really is easier said than done.  I know that there are alot of people that would never try new things because of the fear of unknown.  Could I be starting to feel that way?  Would that be a bad thing?  Could it be a good thing?  Is it really bad to always be on the safe side?  So many questions, for so many situations. 

Every day I think if I can just get through this one day....then I can say at least I made it through the day.  Maybe it is just too soon for me to think this deeply about things, as this situation is still fresh, and it is still new.

Soooo I guess I will finish by saying maybe this is a time in my life for me to reflect and settle down.  Stop stressing myself out by trying to weigh myself down with responsibilities, spreading myself thin and just enjoy living.  Maybe this is how things are supposed to go for me...although very tough emotionally and financially, as I have typed my blog I think I know the answer.

Well until next time...