Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Friday, January 13, 2012


Oh brother....I cannot believe people.  So this is what happened just a few weeks ago and right before Christmas.  The married couple had to appear in court and the girls were there and of course they lied the whole time.  And first of all the judge knows these women are just wasting the courts time because all they did was complain about....are you ready for it.....the TRASH and RECYCLING BIN!!!  They told the judge that they have seen my neighbor put stuff in their recycling bin.  Okay really???? Are we back to that?  Why don't they just let that go?  And is it true that my neighbor has been doing that?  Yes it is but do you know why???? Because our recycling bins are smaller and we have 4 people sharing them but yet they have the largest one and there is only two of them.  Now does that sound right???  

Then they kept saying that they were scared of the wife, yet they are the ones who are causing the problems with everyone.  So when they were at court the judge pretty much told them to go to the mediation room and talk to the mediators to handle this situation.  So once they are in the room, and the wife starts telling her side of the story and about all the things that they have done and one of the girls pipe up and says "I don't want to do this...I want to go back to court!!"  The judge already told them they  didn't have a case because they had to have 3 incidents a piece against my neighbor in order to be able to get a protective order against someone.  But they were so nervous because they try to portray themselves to people as quiet people who do nothing to anyone and they act like they are the weaker link.  When in reality they are not.

So one day me and the wife are talking outside (and let me remind you that she is scared to even be seen talking to me because of what they might say) and the constable comes and serves her with papers.  Then we continue to talk and we go about our way.  A few hours later I get a phone call from her stating that the landlord will not be renewing their lease. I was thinking what?????  She was okay with it because she told me she isn't even happy being there in the house.  She's scared to do anything because the girls might make up a story about her again and it's always two against one.

My problem with this situation is.....why do they have to go but not the girls????  They are the ones who have put notes in my mailbox as well as the girl that lives above me, they have tormented the married couple downstairs yet they get to stay?  Makes me wonder if they do have something on the landlord...and that's why they have been around for 4 years.  Who knows...all I know is I will be here one more year and then I'm out of here looking for a new place.

Well until next time.....

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