Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Ahhhh so it was Friday the 13th and I get a phone call from the wife of the married couple.  Which by the way I just found out they are not married but will still refer to them as the married couple since you are accustomed to reading this episode like this.  So I see she is calling and answer the phone and what do I hear?  "Ohhhh Friday the 13th...this has been the worse day of my life!"  So  of course I am dying to find out what happened.

This was the day the husband has his restraining order case against the brother of one of the girls from upstairs.  Not only did they bring a lawyer....but they ripped the wife to shreds in court.  Lying and saying that she was screaming, she was drunk, kicking his car and punching his car window.  And then the one thing that the girls brought up was "we have pictures of her putting recycling items in our recycling bin".  Okay...SERIOUSLY????  Why does every single time these people who have nothing better to do bring up the stupid garbage and recycling bins.  I could careless if people used my recycling long as they were using the bin.  I could totally understand if she was throwing trash all over the place.  These women need to get a life and one needs to figure out if she works or not.  The judge asked her if she worked, she answered "I'm unemployed, I work for a catering company."  Soooooo which is it, do you work or not dummy?  I can answer that DON'T you freaking liar!!!!  All these people do is lie and they are getting away with it and making the life for this woman miserable and why?  Because she is the first person who has stood up to them and has not backed down.  

So in the end, she was just so upset and felt humiliated because the husband didn't speak up when he should have and that made her look REALLY bad.  She actually defended him and said "he was probably really nervous since he has never been in court before until all of this".  But can you believe all of this?  She actually said she cannot wait to get out of that house because she is scared to do anything.  I don't even see her walk her dog like she used to because the girls are "watching" every step that she makes.  I'm sure they are watching me too, I just don't say anything to them and they don't say anything to me.  The wife and I even stopped talking outside because she is scared they are going to start messing with me.  I told her let them mess with me because if they think you have given them a problem...I will be their worst nightmare.  She started laughing and I did too....but I'm not kidding.

Well until next time....

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