Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I guess by the title of my blog today you are wondering what the heck this blog is going to be about. that I work in downtown Boston I commute with the many thousands of people on the MBTA.  Those of you who follow me on Facebook or Twitter have heard about my daily rants about some of these people that commute. Okay but let me get back to what I wanted to talk about.  

Did you ever notice that when you look up in the sky you see this:

A flock of with no airplane...but this picture was pretty cool!  But it's so funny how there is always one leading the group and the rest follow in uniform and so gracefully when one turns they all turn and it just looks so uniform and smooth.

Then you go camping and you might see this:

Maybe minus the snow it's too cold to camping in the winter

Then if you are so lucky to go on a safari trip you may even see this:

Just don't get too close, they will trample ya!  But wouldn't it be so cool to see this in your lifetime?  So calm and serene, the animals are all just getting along, they follow each other and take care of each other.

Then when I go downtown I feel like I'm in a herd, flock or pack...but there is no order, people are on your heels if you are walking too slow or they push and shove to get past you.  I make it to my job and walk out of my building and I see this:

Here is the group of order and chaotic.  I should have gotten a closer picture but the news crew was there.  This was a protest against Chase, Fannie Mae and Bank of America.  This was the March Against Wall Street Banks.  So I think why is a bunch of people called a group?  Why wasn't called a herd, pack or flock?  Why are there different names for different animals?  Strange I know...these are the things I think of when in the bathroom...I know TMI!

Well until next time....

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