Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Thursday, January 19, 2012


So recently I was able to visit this restaurant with some members from my church and try some of their yummy food!  This restaurant was located on 550 Adams Street in Milton Massachusetts.  This may not be much to look at from the outside but when you go inside you are in for a treat.  This restaurant is still casual but they take full pride in their menu items.  For instance, they use fresh natural and organic foods of good quality so they can knock your socks off.  Being a foodie as I'm looking over their menu, I get a happy warm feeling inside.  Those of you who know me personally know how much I love to try different types of foods.

So the waitress comes over and asks what we want to order and of course I would like to order one of everything so I could just take a taste.  But I just joined Weight Watchers last Saturday and it would totally suck if I blew it the first week.  So at work today I looked at the menu before I got there to plan what I was eating.  My choice was the Tuna Sashimi and the Market Salad.  When my plates came to the table everybody was ooooooing and ahhhhhing over how pretty my food looks.  I look at their plates and their food looks busted!  LOL  Except the cheeseburger plate...that looked really good.  The sashimi was very light and flavorful, it was thinly sliced tuna (not paper thin) topped by sushi rice, some greens, avocado and a miso vinaigrette.  Then a soy glaze drizzled around the plate...this was definitely a work of art. (I know....didn't take a picture but should have)  This fish was so fresh it was so awesome.  Then let me get to the Market think how can salad be exciting???  This place makes it exciting...first you think it is just gonna be a bunch of greens on your plate? is a tower of greens wrapped with thin slices of cucumber and topped with a champagne vinaigrette.  Talk about yummy!  Those of you who know me know that I talk....ALOT.  Well not during this meal and I don't think I have been this quiet in a long time.

So I guess what I'm basically saying is if you are ever in Milton, this is a cute little place to visit.  The food is great, ambiance is is fantastic, but the prices are a little on the expensive side.  But if you think about it for fresh natural organic will be paying a little bit more.  And don't you deserve to treat yourself every once in awhile?  Enjoy!

Well until next time....


  1. Thanks for sharing. Have you ever tried Justine's Table? It's the best restaurant in Natick, MA

  2. I've never been to Justine's Table, but I will have to try it out!
