Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So I have been a terrible pet owner and haven't been up to date with Zoey's shots.  So it's time to start the year right and get her caught up with her shots. So we get there and of course...she is her little dramatic self...very clingy, scared, shy and not even eating the treats they gave her.  

So they check her eyes, teeth, ears, and took her temperature...she didn't even flinch for proud of her!  Then they check her joints and listen to her heart and doctor said wow...she is in tip top health you must take VERY good care of her.  (If only she knew....)  Then after's time for what she hates the most.....getting her nails trimmed.  I bet you thought I was going to say getting her shots...that was a breeze for her.  YAY!  

So it took me and one vet tech holding her, a "party hat" (aka muzzle) had to be applied...oh yeah she tried to nip ME!  She didn't like it one bit...but once they got the muzzle on her she calmed down and gave up.  Then after that was done you would have thought I took away all of her toys and didn't feed her...she is so dramatic and then she just laid down on the chair in the waiting room.  

So I paid and left and as we are walking up the hill...she is just so traumatized that she lays down in the middle of the sidewalk and WOULDN'T move!  So yeah...I had to do it and picked her up and carried her home which is what I told her I wouldn't do.  Yeah I'm the sucker.

So this is what she looked like when we got home:

Can we say drama queen?????

I should be pouting after I had to pay that bill.  I thought I was about to faint...after being here almost a year I'm still getting sticker shock.  Even they told me I bet they don't charge you like this in Texas.  I didn't even think that was really funny.

Well until next time....

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