Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So let me tell you about this crazy lady who was on the phone the whole time after she cut in front of me at the ATM yesterday.  First I was looking in my bag for my wallet and I was less than a foot away from the instead of asking me if I was going to use it, this woman (who was on her cell phone) just started using it, so when I found my wallet and turned around to use it she was already using it.  The whole time she was on her phone talking obviously not paying attention to what she was doing. Because after her transaction, instead of finishing it she just left the ATM. And had I been a criminal, I had access to her bank account and could have taken money out of her account because the ATM was asking her if she wanted another transaction.  Obviously I'm not a criminal and I alerted her right away and she huffed at me (because I called her ma'am) and I told her she wasn't finished with her transaction.  At that point she went back to the ATM, finished her transaction and forced a thank you to me. 

I just had to shake my head at for those of you who are like this simple instructions below that are probably available on your banks website:

Using an ATM

  • Be especially cautious when strangers offer to help you at an ATM, even if your card is stuck or you are experiencing difficulty with the transaction. (She wasn't cautious when I did help her)

  • You should not allow anyone to distract you while you are at the ATM.
  • Check that other individuals in the queue keep an acceptable distance from you. Be on the look-out for individuals who might be watching you enter your PIN. (If she didn't cut me off....I could have seen what her pin was if I wasn't in my bag.  But then again I wouldn't have stood that close to her)

  • Stand close to the ATM and shield the keypad with your hand when keying in your PIN
    (you may wish to use the knuckle of your middle finger to key in the PIN).

  • Follow the instructions on the display screen, e.g. do not key in your PIN until the ATM requests you to do so.

  • If you feel the ATM is not working normally, press the Cancel key and withdraw your card and then proceed to another ATM.
  • Never force your card into the card slot.

  • Keep your printed transaction record so that you can compare your ATM receipts to your monthly statement. (And finish your transaction so ALL of your banking information is available for the next person in line)

  • If your card gets jammed, retained or lost, or if you are interfered with at an ATM, report this immediately to the bank and/or police using the help line provided or nearest phone.

  • Do not be in a hurry during the transaction, and carefully secure your card & cash in your wallet, handbag or pocket before leaving the ATM. (Oh and get off your STUPID cell phone...your call can wait just a minute)
This woman is an accident waiting to happen...oh wait it wouldn't be an accident because her careless attitude is making her a moving target.  I wish this lady luck and I hope her identity never gets stolen if it hasn't been already.

Well until next time....

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