Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So today I was upgrading my cable box and the cable guy informs me that because the signal weak it can support my current box but not the new one. So then he asks me who wired the house the way it is in the first place. Of course I tell him that's how it was when I moved here and told him the story of the fiasco when I first moved in here and how the company said they would come out and change the cables because off the way it was draped in front of the house and laying in the gutter

So he asks me how does your landlord feel about me drilling more holes? I told him I don't know but we can call him.  He then tells me to forget it and if the landlord complains tell him that the cable company  had to do it so the wiring could be correct.  So I say okay.

Why is it I sit here and I start to hear voices outside and who is the cable guy talking to? My landlord who then comes in the house to find out what he is doing. At first I didn't think anything of it but then thought all the other days I took off the landlord has NEVER been by my house.  Which leads me to believe that one of those women who live on the second floor of the house in front of mine were looking out the window wondering what the cable guy was doing around the house and called the landlord. His office is close about 10 minutes away and could get here fairly quickly.

Call me a skeptic or call this incident a coincidence but I do believe they called him to come out here. But I do believe there is a spy in the midst and I do not like it not one bit. What are they going to watch my every move?  They better not.

Well until next time....

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