Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Monday, February 20, 2012


So this weekend I was to visit this Asian supermarket that I have been wanting to see for some time.  The reason why is because being on Weight Watchers there is alot of healthy choices that you can probably find here than a regular supermarket so we went to the Kam Man Marketplace.

This place doesn't look very big from the outside but man it is HUGE on the inside!  We walked in and I was just so overwhelmed by all the different varieties of herbal supplements, teas, vegetables, and alot of things I have never seen or heard of before.  It will be nice to know what all of this stuff does, how it tastes etc.  Now I do have my limits and believe it or not there are some things that I WILL NOT try like for instance:

Um...yeah I don't think so!

What kind of fungus is this?  Doesn't look like mushrooms to me!

Didn't know you could eat this.

Now I didn't take these pictures....but this stuff was there!  And so much more!  We didn't have alot of time to look at everything in this store but if you are looking for something out of the ordinary you will definitely find it here!  You can also buy some authentic Asian wear, knick knacks, tea sets and such.  I really do want to go back when I have more time to really look through this store and find some neat stuff.  I'm planning on learning to make miso soup and this will definitely be the place to get all of the ingredients.

There was another item of tea that we saw that made us giggle and yes it was a little childish but it was a product from this company

Hee hee can use your imagination.  I know mind in the gutter.

Well until next time....

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