Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Soooooo my office was invited to an agency function on Fat Tuesday.  I'm constantly comparing Boston to Dallas and this will be my first Fat Tuesday on the East Coast.  Let me say it was different but has fun at this function...the free drinks, meeting new people that I talk to on the phone or e-mail with, free drinks, wearing beads and funky hats, free drinks, looking at all the costumes people wore (not many), food, and by the way did I say free drinks?

Well all in all it was a fun night, it was nice to get out and do something different and best of all I got a new hat and a set of beads added to my collection

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful and fun!

P.S.  I didn't have to flash anything for the new set of beads...don't be jealous!

Well until next time....

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