Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I know...I are probably wondering why I'm doing a blog in March for Fat Tuesday last month.  I've been thinking about what I should blog about since it's been a while and a thought popped into my head what about when I went to Saus!

I first heard about this place from my manager when she went some time ago.  The both of us are "TRUE" foodies and are always swapping experiences when we go to an awesome place.  So I told her that we have to walk over there for lunch one day.  We never went for lunch but we were going to a Fat Tuesday function and since we didn't know what they would be serving there what better thing to do than go to Saus! 

Now on the inside this place is VERY small....and you probably will enjoy more if you take things to go.  Let me just start out that the specialty of this place is their waffles and french fries...and even though I've been doing Weight Watchers since January I didn't care how much the points value was...I was gonna eat me some FRENCH FRIES!!!!  So I get there and I order the LARGE size and they were large

I was in heaven when these fries arrived....with every crunch of each french fry I ate it was so worth it.  Now I didn't eat all of these fries, I ate about half of them.  The small size would have been enough but like Brian said I got caught up in the excitement and it would have saved me $7.00!  Yes their fries are really expensive but so worth it because they do have about 12 specialty sauces (I had the Truffle Ketchup) and that is the topper for these awesome fries.  Brian didn't care for this place as much as I did but you have to be a true foodie to appreciate the awesome chrunchy deliciousness (is that a word?) of these fries.  And had just the right amount of salt added too...not too much....not too was juuuuusssst right!

But Brian ordered the chicken satay

I tried it and it tastes like teriyaki chicken that you get from the chinese restaurant and it comes with some type of peanut sauce to dip in.  We all didn't try this.  Lisa ordered the waffle and she really enjoyed it but I forgot to take a picture of that.  All in all this was a fun experience and being able to go out with people in the office was nice.  I definitely will see myself eating there again...just as soon as I drop some pounds!

Well until next time....

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