Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So it's been awhile since I have blogged about Zoey....I know I talk about her all the time but she is my pride and joy.  And Brian entertained the idea to me at work about doing a blog about her so here we go.

Zoey pretty much destroys everything in her path that she thinks is hers...mainly her toys.  Well last night she drags her blanket out of her crate and starts shaking it.  I go to put it back in her crate pick it up and what do I see????

Just so you know where that hole is used to be a stiched in picture of a chihuahua.  Guess she didn't like it since this is a perfect circle!  LOL  So all night last night I kept saying what did you do to your blanket?  I guess she got tired of me saying it because all I got was the look of "Will you just let it go???  It happened...get over it."

That dog has so much personality and I often wonder why she is so destructive at times.  Sometimes I wished I named her Tazzy...short for Tasmanian Devil because when she blows through my living room she can sometimes leave a path of destruction.  But I love her!

Well until next time....

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