Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Friday, March 9, 2012


So today for my lunch break I walked over to this market that Brian took me to when I first moved here.  We went over there during lunch and it reminded me of the Farmers Market like Downtown Dallas except bigger.  (See not everything is bigger in Texas)  Anyway I was going there to try to find one item....EGGPLANT for the no pasta lasagna recipe I'm trying this weekend for dinner.

So I ask for directions to get there since I still don't really know my way around here other than going around the corner and off I go.  Boy was it crowded!  It was bad enough that there were alot of baby carriages there but on top of that everyone seemed to have their little old lady cart or back pack on wheels.  All I know is the next time I go I need to invest in something to carry my stuff back in. 

I made out like a bandit....I got a pound container of strawberries, , a bunch of scallions, 2 eggplants, 4 oranges and 2 pounds of grapes all for $6.00!!!!  What a baahhhhhgin!  So I definitely will be going back again at another time.

Next time I will get better pictures of all the great produce!

Well until next time....

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