Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


With the last three episodes these events took place over the span of about two months.  So you are all caught up and now I will be writing as things happen.

So as I'm on my way to the bus stop to go to work today the wife of the married couple stops me and tells me she needs a favor.  I said sure no problem, what? She needed a copy of my e-mail and a copy of the letter that the girls put in my mailbox for court.  I was like for court????  Yes because get this...the girls are trying to file a harassment protection order against the married couple.  Then she tells me that when they went to the police station to file a restraining order against the brother, they are told they cannot.   Um....since when can you not file a restraining order against someone when they THREATEN your life????  I'm confused as they are too but yet these crazy women can try to get a harassment protection order against them?  Okay....SERIOUSLY????  First of all this married couple are the nicest people that I have met since I have been here and I feel we will always keep in touch even if we don't live in the same area.  And these girls have the nerve to bother these people, as well as owe them money and their tools back.  I told the wife don't let it get to her too much because if she's upset her son will notice that and he doesn't need added stress.  She then tells me yes I know I have to keep it under control because he (her son) just had another seizure on Sunday.  

As we were talking, I see my bus drive by and I said oh I missed my bus.  At that she says stay here, I'll drive you to the train station.  So she comes out with her son and he is such a joy to be around and such a good kid.  She drops me off at the train station and I get out and say goodbye to her and then her son.  The smile that he gave me just made my day...the innocence of this child is just so pure.  And the fact that the girls are putting added stress on this woman and they know it is ridiculous.  And they say that only kids bully other kids.....not in this day or age....sad isn't it?

When I came home today the husband saw me, thanked me for sending that e-mail to the landlord and he didn't know I had issues with these girls.  But he also thanked me for supporting them against these women.  I told him no problem and I have given his wife my cell and home number and they can call me if they need me for anything.

So tomorrow the married couple has to go to court for this harassment protection hearing....I'll keep you posted as to how things turn out.

Well until next time


  1. Omy... This is too much.. I know what you are talking about because I almost went through the same thing. I was told by another tenant in a two family home where I had just moved, where to park my car. Mind you it was a four car uncovered garage but she didn't want me to park side by side with her car. I was instructed to park in the grass leaving the full parking area for her. NOPE! I told the landlord, she was shocked that I had the note. She didn't even believe it came from the woman. I'm like, why would I make this up? Since I didn't follow her instructions to park where she said park. She played her music on 15 everyday. I was on the first floor and she was on the second. The first time I knocked on her door, rang her bell but she couldn't hear it. I called the cops, it took 10 minutes of them banging and eventually flashing her window with the big light form the car before she opened her door. I can't tell you how many police reports I filed on that chick for being an ASS. Anywho... I hope all works out with your neighbors (the married couple). They seem very nice.

  2. Oh sorry that you had to go through that. The married couple are the nicest people you would ever meet and being that I moved here from out of state, they didn't know me but when I bought some furniture, they helped me get it because they had a truck and knew I didn't have a car. Hopefully you don't still have to put up with that woman.
