Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


A series of events have been going on with my neighbors and it's pretty ridiculous I decided to blog about it.  Let me give you a little bit of background about my neighbors and where I live.  First I live in a carriage house that was renovated into 2 apartments, I'm on the first floor and there is a single girl that lives upstairs with her boyfriend.  I will refer to them as "the young couple".  The house in front of mine is considered the main house.  On the first floor there is a married couple and the second floor two women live there, I will refer to them as "the girls".

This topic will go over events that will lead up to what has happened over the last few weeks.  When I first moved here, I was told by the landlord that Fridays is trash day and if I noticed that noone has taken the trash and recycling cans to the sidewalk to do so either Thursday night or early Friday morning.  Hey no problem, not a big deal to me so I was taking the trash cans out one day and the husband of the married couple said  "What are you doing?  Don't worry about that, the girls upstairs do that, it's their thing."  So I told him I just wanted to do my part around here, and he explained further that they told him and his wife not to worry about it...sooooo I'm thinking oh okay.  Well after a few weeks of me not taking the trash cans out...there is a note in my mailbox as well as the mailbox for the young couple upstairs.  I read it and it says:  "Just a reminder, trash pick up day is Friday.  The bins need to be taken out either Thursday night or Friday morning....please do your share"

I was dare someone put a note in my mailbox...what are we in high school and you don't have the balls to come to me and talk to me like an adult?  So I let it go and the next month I take the trash bins out.  Then the wife of the married couple comes out and says "What are you doing?  The girls upstairs do that...they told us not to worry about it.  It's a game they play with their dogs."  At that point I told her that I know I was the new kid on the block and I didn't want to cause any trouble but I got a note in my mailbox.  Her mouth dropped open and I added so did the tenant that lives above me.  Her mouth dropped open even further.  She could not believe it, so at that point, I knew who put the note in my mailbox and the married couple told me to ask them about the note and that they told me not to take the trash out.  Well I did that and the girls wouldn't even answer their door. 

Now I find that to be strange...and some pieces of a puzzle start together.  First the girls are not the friendliest people and the only time they have talked to me is when we have been outside at the same time walking our dogs.  Zoey tends to be a magnet to people since she is just so cute.  But one was nice and would talk, the other one wouldn't talk to me at all.  Then after I got the note in my mailbox the following week I was taking the trash cans out when the girls came home.  One didn't get out of the car, the other one did as she walked by me I said hi and she didn't even respond.  When I walked past their car the other one was sitting in the passenger seat and was looking straight ahead and wouldn't even look in my direction...AHA!  She must have been embarrassed because the one that wouldn't talk to me MUST have put that note in my mailbox.  

Later I come to find out the one that wouldn't even look at me was the one who did the deed.....putting the notes in my mailbox and the young couple's mailbox.  Tsk tsk....what a coward.

And this is when the saga begins.

Well until next time....

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