Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


What happens next makes it hard to believe that all of this started because the girls put notes in mailboxes telling people to take the trash cans out to the sidewalk.  Amazing isn't it?  And not to mention, this isn't the first time they have done this to the young couple upstairs.  Shortly after she moved in, a note was put in her mailbox to make sure that she picked up after her dog which the girl's parents were in town and were a little taken back by that.  Because of the note the girl is scared to even walk her dog near the yard that the houses share.  

Oh and an update the landlord has advised that we are all responsible for our own trash can and recycling bin to take to the sidewalk.  Which is fine by me and the landlord also requested me to send an e-mail with a copy of the note that they put in my mailbox.  So I did with a nice little note as to how the girls act around here.  Would you believe that a couple of days after we were told to take our own bins out I was coming home while the girls were outside putting their address on their own bins, I said hello....with not response.  Unbelievable.

Well the plot thickens because the wife of the married couple has found out that the girls are not a neighborhood favorite.  No one in the neighborhood thinks they are very nice and friendly people except one person.  Then on top of that she found out from the landscapers that before the married couple moved in (which was in March) that the yard was always covered in dog crap which meant the girls never picked up after their dog.  Now that totally makes sense because she told me when they moved in, the girls were outside in the yard trying to pick up dog crap and told the married couple "Sorry about this, we haven't had time to clean up the yard before you moved in."  Okay...first of all, pick up your dog crap when your dog's not rocket science.  AND if one of you don't work perhaps the one who doesn't work can clean up the yard. 

The same day the landscapers were here, the landlord came by for a visit and talked to the wife of the married couple.  She talked to him about the events that have been going on and he told her that he talked to the girls upstairs and told them to stay away from her family and for her family to stay away from them.  He then added that if he has to, he doesn't care of the entire house is empty to which the wife says that's fine for us we have a place we can go.  

Now this is where this saga takes a turn...the wife comes to my door one night and tells me what happened a few days before.  The brother of one of the girls came screeching into the driveway and her and her husband when out to see what was going on.  He then starts screaming and tells them that they better stop messing with his sister or else he will come back and f'ng kill them!  After that...he punches the car window and takes off.  At that point the wife goes to the girls door and knocks on it because she wants to know what is going on and what they did.  Well of course they were cowards and didn't come to the door.  So the married couple calls the cops to tell them about the incident and questions the married couple, then questions the girls upstairs.  The cops asked them for the name of the brother and they were not being first.  Until the cop threatened them by taking them to jail for not giving the name and address.  Then that got them talking.  One of which has a monitor on because she has a heart murmur is acting like this is all stressful for her...oh  please!!!!  I've had a heart murmur all my life and have had to wear those things...that lady isn't dying and she is trying to play things up for the cops to make her feel bad.  

So I explained this to the wife and then ask her how could they do what they did when they know about her situation and she has a special needs child.  (He is autistic and is prone to seizures)  The more I find out about these girls the less I like them.  The wife wanted to scared to even talk to me because she doesn't want me to be a "target" too.

I told her that I'm not worried about it, those girls never liked me anyway.  And to feel free to talk to me.  At the end of our conversation she advised that they were going to go to the police station to file a restraining order against the brother who threatened them.

Again...amazing that things have gotten to this point over some stupid trash bins.  We were kind of giggling about it but in reality it's not funny.

Well until next time....

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