Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So after being here for several months here in my apartment, I thought things have calmed down.  Well to my I'm taking out the trash out one day and the wife of the married couple comes running out and says..."Don't you dare take those cans out, and I'm going to tell you why."  Apparently, one of the girls doesn't even work and is home all day and she felt the least she could do was take the trash out.

Also since I've moved in the girls have had two garage sales which the wife put some items in their garage sale and was supposed to be given the money if her items sold.  Not only did all of her items sell at BOTH garage sales....the girls never gave her the money for them.  So let's just say she is a little miffed at them for that.  On top of that the married couple loaned the girls some tools to use which have never been returned as well.  These girls are really a piece of work!  And they have some nerve telling other people what to do like they own the place.

Another thing that happened, the washer in the girls apartment leaked into the downstairs apartment and the married couple talked to the landlord about it.  At that point the landlord told the married couple, give the girls a call upstairs to see where it is leaking and perhaps they can figure out how to stop it from leaking.  Would you believe the girls would not even answer the door?  And not only that...they have lived here for 4 years and only recently the demanded a key to the basement which the married couple has been entitled to use for storage.  The married couple is confused as to why they want access to the basement, but hey...they don't own the place so they don't ask questions.  

Another demand from the girls is due to some "law" they are entitled to two exits to their apartment and right now they only have one.  So the landlord was having people come to the house to do estimates and one of the closets in the married couple's rooms will be made smaller to make room for a stairway.  Okay I don't know who died and made these fools queens of the block but for people who do nothing....they sure do want everything as well as bullying people.

So the wife of the married couple has talked to the landlord numerous times and have complained about the girls.  Because not only of the things above, but the girls have also started to leave the porch light on which lets light into the bedroom of the married couple as well as slamming the door at 5:30am when the girls get up to walk their dogs.  Why are they being so irritating?  Just because someone does not stand for their bullying?  One day while the wife was outside one of the girls was walking up the hill and gave her the finger.  Well the wife asked her if she gave her the finger?  To which she responded you need to mind your own business!!!  Well the wife let her have it and told her "Who do you think you are???? You have no right doing anything you have done.  And putting notes in mailboxes???? Who do you think you are?"

Well....guess my secret is out and the girls know that I have told people about the note in my mailbox...and to think they thought they were trying to look like the nice people on the block who plan their stupid flowers and keep to themselves.  NOT!!!

Oh gets better.

Well until next time....

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