Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Last weekend I was able to visit a couple of towns.  The more I get to go out and see a little of the state, I'm really beginning to realize how much history is here.  It is very interesting to me and I'm not a history buff.  It actually makes me want to go to the library and take out a book on the state to read all about it.  And those of you who know me know I am NOT a book person except for when I go on vacation. 

First let me start with Natick, not only did Brian tell me alot about this beautiful town but the homes were just beautiful here.  Not to mention how hilly it was there too.  I'm beginning to notice that it is just hilly here all over.  I guess coming from Texas which is VERY flat....any place could be hilly.  But I looked up some information on Natick and I had no idea that a Vice-President of the United States was from Massachusetts. Henry Wilson who was the eighteenth Vice-President and lived most of his life in Natick and worked as a shoemaker and a school teacher and is also buried there.  I also read that this town started out as farming town, but eventually when the sewing machine was invented in 1858, alot of sewing factories started popping up in this area.  That's about all I have learned so far, but it just wants me to keep finding information out about it.  While I was there I was able to enjoy some delicious crab cakes at Joe's American Bar and Grill. 

That day we also drove through Wellesley as well.  Talk about beautiful homes there...WOW.  They all looked like mansions!  Oh and by the way it's pronounced wells-ley, I thought it was well-less-ley...go figure.  Still learning how to talk here.  LOL  Most of the homes here were built in the 1700's and 1800's, and I know they have been renovated...but the fact that they are still standing is amazing!  All in all this day was a nice day out and I didn't do much reading about this town, but when I do I'll let you know.

Well until next time!

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