Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, April 10, 2011


If I didn't know what speed walking was...I certainly do now.  Everyday I think I'm walking at a decent of speed of pace yet people pass me by like I'm standing still.  I never thought I was a slow walker being that I grew up on the East Coast but maybe after being away for almost 12 years I slowed down. 

If it wasn't for Lisa and Cristina I would never make the 4:40 train to get home.  We all leave at 4:30 and I think Friday was the fastest I ever walked...because we got there at 4:37...I think that's our fastest time ever!  If anything...because of all of this walking...I have been losing some weight since I have been here.  So speed walking can't be all that bad can it?

Please enjoy some pictures of the Boston City skyline that Brian can see from the roof deck of his apartment.  Nice view to be able to look at every day I'll say.

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