Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

BOSTONITE OR BOSTONIAN??? has been brought to my attention that I am NOT a Bostonite....but a Bostonian.  So I am a Bostonian in the works. HA HA


  1. Hahaha, I'm about to move from Texas (from Fort Hood, an hour north of Austin) to Boston with my husband and our three dogs. I've been wondering if it was "Bostonian" or "Bostonite!" Personally I like Bostonite, kinda like Austinite! Thanks for clarifying that for me though! :)


  2. I know...I think Bostonite was better too. But what did I know I was a newbie. I hope that you enjoy it here I see you are moving to the Cambridge area? It's really nice there and there is so much to see and do here. But be aware of sticker shock...everything here is way more expensive than Texas but I think I'm over the shock for now. LOL
