Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, April 2, 2011


When people think of people from the East Coast, they think of the rude attitudes that they see on those reality shows.  I always tell people that is not how people from the East Coast are....really.  Being away for for almost 12 years I noticed that my attitude has changed.  I noticed that I tend to move a lot slower, not be as tense, and just go about my business. Well this week back to work has proved that I have alot to get used to.

The pushing and shoving on the subway, people jumping in front of you to get on the bus and not waiting their turn, and no one saying excuse me it gets a little old.  I wonder where these people learn their manners.  Now I'm not saying that all of the people I have come across here are like that.  My neighbors that I have met are wonderful and the staff in my office are great.

The people that I am talking about are the following:

The woman who pushed by me and Brian to get on the elevator, now she did say excuse me first.  But I wasn't just standing there looking cute, there were people in front of me.

To the many people that push ahead of me on the subway and the bus, we all are going the same place.  So what if you have to stand for a few minutes to get to your destination.

To the bus driver that told me to get off the bus before I was supposed to when I told her that I was going to the mall.  I don't know if you didn't understand what I meant or what, but that delayed my day and I had to wait for the next bus that didn't come for another 45 minutes!

And last, to the gentleman today that pushed past me because he thought I was taking too long, when I was waiting for an elderly lady to get out of her chair to get off the bus.  And when you noticed that's why I was standing there, you still pushed by her to get off the bus first.  Shame on you!

On another note, I went to the South Shore mall today.  Very nice mall.  I was out a little longer than I wanted to be today, but it's all good.  I'm just going to chill the rest of the weekend with Zoey.

Speaking of Zoey.....what a little turd she is.  My landlord came the other day and had to open the bathroom door where Zoey stays all day.  Well when he went to go get her to put her back, she was NOT having it, he told me he chased her around for about 15 minutes and gave up.  I find this humorous because she doesn't only give me a hard time and I know how aggravating it can be.

All in all I'm enjoying being in Boston so far and look forward to many more adventures.

Well until next time!

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