Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, April 24, 2011


My first holiday here in Boston, and I realized it's the first time in my entire life that I have no where to go for the holidays.  Now I'm not sad about it but it just feels weird.  But as I sit here writing this blog...I hear Zoey chewing on her NEW rawhide that the "Easter Bunny" brought her:

and that alone puts a smile on my face.  I'm so glad that I decided to get her before Muffin passed away because she makes my life pretty interesting! LOL  I was thinking about going out somewhere today, but I think I'm just going to stay in this whole weekend as I'm just starting to feel better from yesterday. 

I'm surprised that the "Easter Bunny" decided to leave Zoey something as last night when it was 1:00am...and as she is running around thinking it is day time I tell her, "If you don't go to sleep the Easter Bunny will not come", she took one look at me, BIT me and ran! I tell you that dog has so much personality it is hilarious.  Anyway, she is enjoying her new toys and treats today:

This was short and sweet and I hope everyone has a wonderful EASTER!


Well, until next time!

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