Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Anyone who knows me well knows how much I LOVE food especially lobster.  What would I always say that I want to eat....LOBSTER....what would I say that you should order if you go on a date....Get the LOBSTER.  Why did I love that Super Buffet in Plano, TX....LOBSTER MONDAYS!!!!!  Well ladies and gentlemen....I have experienced a main delicacy in Boston....the famous Lobster Roll....what is this you may ask?  When I first heard about it I thought it was something fried of course in my mind everything is better fried.  Well my eyes have been opened...picture this:  A super soft hot dog bun loaded with a lobster salad that was so chock full of sweet succulent lobster pieces with just enough mayo and celery.  Those who know me know that I HATE celery.....but I was okay with it in this WONDERFUL lobster roll.  Okay enough about that because my mouth is watering.

So this week Brian took me to the waterfront and then to the New England Aquarium and that was fun! What a treat to be so close to the aquarium and can go during lunch to see the seals outside for free!  What a treat that was. 

Then after that I was able to become friends with Christopher Columbus:

Enjoy the park and see the office building from a distance:

In closing this blog of course I have a Zoey update.  Not only is she still destroying her toys, she was not happy when I kind of gave her a sponge bath because she was smelling a little ripe.  I have these wipes that are for freshening up your dog in between baths, so I take one wash her face paws and body.  I got it done but with her squirming the whole time!  After I was finished I looked at her and said now is that so bad....she took the wipe from my hand shook it, dropped it on the ground and stepped on it.  Guess she told me...LOL.  Then as cute as she looks all the time, I finally....FINALLY got a picture of her while she is showing her true colors:

This was taken right before she leaped up and bit me!  Just to put that out there that she is not always innocent like this:

Well, that's all for now....until next time!

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