Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So one day shortly after my arrival, I went to the laundromat and walked by this location twice.  On my way back to the bus stop after my laundry was done, I stopped and looked at this house and come to find out it is the birthplace of John Adams and John Quincy Adams.  Which I thought it was pretty neat.   This is a historical landmark and they do tours from April to November, so it should be open soon and I'll have to stop by and take the tour.  In the city of Quincy, the cop cars have on there "The City of Presidents".  I wonder if anyone here really knows the history of this city other than the people at the Visitors Bureau at Quincy Center which is another place I need to visit for a day instead of just connecting to a train or a bus.  But I will one day

As I do my daily bus rides, I tend to look around really carefully because every day I see something new.  On one particular day, the bus was stopped at the time and I look at this store and it says on the front window, "Dance wear, shoes and equipment".  I look even more carefully and what do I see on some shelves?  STRIPPER SHOES!  Yes the good ol' platform, high heeled stripper shoes or "CFMP'S" as Cristina calls them.  If you want to know the definition contact me and I'll tell you, but use your imagination I'm sure you will come up with the definition of that acronym!  So I'm thinking why would they sell stripper shoes in that dance store?  Well....I guess they are dancers!  I wonder if they sell that type of dance attire in there too?  Who knows...not like I'm going to find out.

So Sunday, Brian was so nice to come pick me up and take me out downtown for a little bit.  I was able to see the area that he lives in South End Boston.  It's very nice down there, reminded me alot of University Park near downtown Dallas, you have the nice brownstones, the little posh shops and places to eat.  Lots of stuff to do, and see, and they even have a community garden where you can plant your own things.  Brian is very knowledgeable about Boston, and he would be a very good tour guide on the weekends or something.  I saw so many beautiful churches, that most of them are being sold and renovated into apartments or condos.  After we drove around a bit, then I went to see Brian's place, so nice and you can see the Boston city skyline from his apartment.  I know I know, I need a picture I forgot to take one when I was there.  Then we went to the rooftop deck and was just so breathtaking.  I told Brian I know where I'm going for the 4th of July so I can see the fireworks.  I just have to figure out how to get down there on my own.  I have a couple of months to figure that out.

What would my blog be without an entry mentioning Zoey?  LOL!  I tell you that dog is too much I think she is really trying to destroy all of her toys so she can get some more.  Every day it's something new that is broken, a limb is missing, an eye, or stuffing.  I know she may be stressed since this is still new to her but if she takes one more pair of my underwear or socks and destroys them, that's going to be a problem.  I give her a couple of more weeks and she should start to calm down.

Well until next time!

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