Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Sooooo....after a long day at work, all I was thinking about on the bus was I can't wait to get home and relax.  The whole ride I was thinking can't wait to get Zoey out take her for a walk and just chill out with her for the night.  Well my feelings changed when I opened the door where she was because this is what I saw:

When I saw this I was heated! And little miss Zoey comes running out and runs over to her water bowl and starts drinking.  Well of course she was....she almost ate through the door!

So for those of you who are "Team Zoey" and you know who you are....this is proof that she is not always cute and innocent.

Well....until next time!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


My first holiday here in Boston, and I realized it's the first time in my entire life that I have no where to go for the holidays.  Now I'm not sad about it but it just feels weird.  But as I sit here writing this blog...I hear Zoey chewing on her NEW rawhide that the "Easter Bunny" brought her:

and that alone puts a smile on my face.  I'm so glad that I decided to get her before Muffin passed away because she makes my life pretty interesting! LOL  I was thinking about going out somewhere today, but I think I'm just going to stay in this whole weekend as I'm just starting to feel better from yesterday. 

I'm surprised that the "Easter Bunny" decided to leave Zoey something as last night when it was 1:00am...and as she is running around thinking it is day time I tell her, "If you don't go to sleep the Easter Bunny will not come", she took one look at me, BIT me and ran! I tell you that dog has so much personality it is hilarious.  Anyway, she is enjoying her new toys and treats today:

This was short and sweet and I hope everyone has a wonderful EASTER!


Well, until next time!


Last weekend I was able to visit a couple of towns.  The more I get to go out and see a little of the state, I'm really beginning to realize how much history is here.  It is very interesting to me and I'm not a history buff.  It actually makes me want to go to the library and take out a book on the state to read all about it.  And those of you who know me know I am NOT a book person except for when I go on vacation. 

First let me start with Natick, not only did Brian tell me alot about this beautiful town but the homes were just beautiful here.  Not to mention how hilly it was there too.  I'm beginning to notice that it is just hilly here all over.  I guess coming from Texas which is VERY flat....any place could be hilly.  But I looked up some information on Natick and I had no idea that a Vice-President of the United States was from Massachusetts. Henry Wilson who was the eighteenth Vice-President and lived most of his life in Natick and worked as a shoemaker and a school teacher and is also buried there.  I also read that this town started out as farming town, but eventually when the sewing machine was invented in 1858, alot of sewing factories started popping up in this area.  That's about all I have learned so far, but it just wants me to keep finding information out about it.  While I was there I was able to enjoy some delicious crab cakes at Joe's American Bar and Grill. 

That day we also drove through Wellesley as well.  Talk about beautiful homes there...WOW.  They all looked like mansions!  Oh and by the way it's pronounced wells-ley, I thought it was well-less-ley...go figure.  Still learning how to talk here.  LOL  Most of the homes here were built in the 1700's and 1800's, and I know they have been renovated...but the fact that they are still standing is amazing!  All in all this day was a nice day out and I didn't do much reading about this town, but when I do I'll let you know.

Well until next time!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

BOSTONITE OR BOSTONIAN??? has been brought to my attention that I am NOT a Bostonite....but a Bostonian.  So I am a Bostonian in the works. HA HA


Anyone who knows me well knows how much I LOVE food especially lobster.  What would I always say that I want to eat....LOBSTER....what would I say that you should order if you go on a date....Get the LOBSTER.  Why did I love that Super Buffet in Plano, TX....LOBSTER MONDAYS!!!!!  Well ladies and gentlemen....I have experienced a main delicacy in Boston....the famous Lobster Roll....what is this you may ask?  When I first heard about it I thought it was something fried of course in my mind everything is better fried.  Well my eyes have been opened...picture this:  A super soft hot dog bun loaded with a lobster salad that was so chock full of sweet succulent lobster pieces with just enough mayo and celery.  Those who know me know that I HATE celery.....but I was okay with it in this WONDERFUL lobster roll.  Okay enough about that because my mouth is watering.

So this week Brian took me to the waterfront and then to the New England Aquarium and that was fun! What a treat to be so close to the aquarium and can go during lunch to see the seals outside for free!  What a treat that was. 

Then after that I was able to become friends with Christopher Columbus:

Enjoy the park and see the office building from a distance:

In closing this blog of course I have a Zoey update.  Not only is she still destroying her toys, she was not happy when I kind of gave her a sponge bath because she was smelling a little ripe.  I have these wipes that are for freshening up your dog in between baths, so I take one wash her face paws and body.  I got it done but with her squirming the whole time!  After I was finished I looked at her and said now is that so bad....she took the wipe from my hand shook it, dropped it on the ground and stepped on it.  Guess she told me...LOL.  Then as cute as she looks all the time, I finally....FINALLY got a picture of her while she is showing her true colors:

This was taken right before she leaped up and bit me!  Just to put that out there that she is not always innocent like this:

Well, that's all for now....until next time!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


If I didn't know what speed walking was...I certainly do now.  Everyday I think I'm walking at a decent of speed of pace yet people pass me by like I'm standing still.  I never thought I was a slow walker being that I grew up on the East Coast but maybe after being away for almost 12 years I slowed down. 

If it wasn't for Lisa and Cristina I would never make the 4:40 train to get home.  We all leave at 4:30 and I think Friday was the fastest I ever walked...because we got there at 4:37...I think that's our fastest time ever!  If anything...because of all of this walking...I have been losing some weight since I have been here.  So speed walking can't be all that bad can it?

Please enjoy some pictures of the Boston City skyline that Brian can see from the roof deck of his apartment.  Nice view to be able to look at every day I'll say.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So one day shortly after my arrival, I went to the laundromat and walked by this location twice.  On my way back to the bus stop after my laundry was done, I stopped and looked at this house and come to find out it is the birthplace of John Adams and John Quincy Adams.  Which I thought it was pretty neat.   This is a historical landmark and they do tours from April to November, so it should be open soon and I'll have to stop by and take the tour.  In the city of Quincy, the cop cars have on there "The City of Presidents".  I wonder if anyone here really knows the history of this city other than the people at the Visitors Bureau at Quincy Center which is another place I need to visit for a day instead of just connecting to a train or a bus.  But I will one day

As I do my daily bus rides, I tend to look around really carefully because every day I see something new.  On one particular day, the bus was stopped at the time and I look at this store and it says on the front window, "Dance wear, shoes and equipment".  I look even more carefully and what do I see on some shelves?  STRIPPER SHOES!  Yes the good ol' platform, high heeled stripper shoes or "CFMP'S" as Cristina calls them.  If you want to know the definition contact me and I'll tell you, but use your imagination I'm sure you will come up with the definition of that acronym!  So I'm thinking why would they sell stripper shoes in that dance store?  Well....I guess they are dancers!  I wonder if they sell that type of dance attire in there too?  Who knows...not like I'm going to find out.

So Sunday, Brian was so nice to come pick me up and take me out downtown for a little bit.  I was able to see the area that he lives in South End Boston.  It's very nice down there, reminded me alot of University Park near downtown Dallas, you have the nice brownstones, the little posh shops and places to eat.  Lots of stuff to do, and see, and they even have a community garden where you can plant your own things.  Brian is very knowledgeable about Boston, and he would be a very good tour guide on the weekends or something.  I saw so many beautiful churches, that most of them are being sold and renovated into apartments or condos.  After we drove around a bit, then I went to see Brian's place, so nice and you can see the Boston city skyline from his apartment.  I know I know, I need a picture I forgot to take one when I was there.  Then we went to the rooftop deck and was just so breathtaking.  I told Brian I know where I'm going for the 4th of July so I can see the fireworks.  I just have to figure out how to get down there on my own.  I have a couple of months to figure that out.

What would my blog be without an entry mentioning Zoey?  LOL!  I tell you that dog is too much I think she is really trying to destroy all of her toys so she can get some more.  Every day it's something new that is broken, a limb is missing, an eye, or stuffing.  I know she may be stressed since this is still new to her but if she takes one more pair of my underwear or socks and destroys them, that's going to be a problem.  I give her a couple of more weeks and she should start to calm down.

Well until next time!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


When people think of people from the East Coast, they think of the rude attitudes that they see on those reality shows.  I always tell people that is not how people from the East Coast are....really.  Being away for for almost 12 years I noticed that my attitude has changed.  I noticed that I tend to move a lot slower, not be as tense, and just go about my business. Well this week back to work has proved that I have alot to get used to.

The pushing and shoving on the subway, people jumping in front of you to get on the bus and not waiting their turn, and no one saying excuse me it gets a little old.  I wonder where these people learn their manners.  Now I'm not saying that all of the people I have come across here are like that.  My neighbors that I have met are wonderful and the staff in my office are great.

The people that I am talking about are the following:

The woman who pushed by me and Brian to get on the elevator, now she did say excuse me first.  But I wasn't just standing there looking cute, there were people in front of me.

To the many people that push ahead of me on the subway and the bus, we all are going the same place.  So what if you have to stand for a few minutes to get to your destination.

To the bus driver that told me to get off the bus before I was supposed to when I told her that I was going to the mall.  I don't know if you didn't understand what I meant or what, but that delayed my day and I had to wait for the next bus that didn't come for another 45 minutes!

And last, to the gentleman today that pushed past me because he thought I was taking too long, when I was waiting for an elderly lady to get out of her chair to get off the bus.  And when you noticed that's why I was standing there, you still pushed by her to get off the bus first.  Shame on you!

On another note, I went to the South Shore mall today.  Very nice mall.  I was out a little longer than I wanted to be today, but it's all good.  I'm just going to chill the rest of the weekend with Zoey.

Speaking of Zoey.....what a little turd she is.  My landlord came the other day and had to open the bathroom door where Zoey stays all day.  Well when he went to go get her to put her back, she was NOT having it, he told me he chased her around for about 15 minutes and gave up.  I find this humorous because she doesn't only give me a hard time and I know how aggravating it can be.

All in all I'm enjoying being in Boston so far and look forward to many more adventures.

Well until next time!