Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


THIS is the day that.....I start a new job. This is something that I never thought I would be doing.  Leaving a job after almost 20 years is never an easy thing to do. Starting a new job after being at another one for almost 20 years is even harder.

So I get to work early but I sit in the car  because I don't want to be a goody goody by going in too early. So I finally went in and was so nervous.  I was greeted by hugs and smiles and that was very welcoming and made me feel at ease. And I'm thinking that this will be a good experience.

I had a great day! Everybody was very nice, the office is nice and I got a coupon for a free breakfast taco at the deli. Maybe I will use it one day this week.

Oh and a bonus they took me out to lunch and where did we go? To El Fenix which is my favorite place to go! I love their chips!

I was so grateful for the day although I think I may have fell asleep briefly during training. Ha ha ha!

This is going to be a good experience and everyone is so laid back in the office. So that is awesome!

Well until next time....

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