Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, March 1, 2014


THIS is the day that I'm reflecting on everything that has happened the last couple of weeks. It is Saturday morning, the husband is asleep and Zoey is just sitting here grooming herself. I'm thinking to you hear that? And what is it I hear? NOTHING! Peace and quiet! Just having this moment to where I can just relax (even though we have no furniture yet and are camping in our apartment) and do nothing is the best feeling in the world.

I have been burning at both ends since the 14th of February with no breaks between. And it just feels good to sit here and have absolutely nothing to do.  And you know what for the moment I'm just going to enjoy it. This is what I have been needing for a long time and it is a great feeling!

I will have to say this relocation to Texas has been awful....there were so many challenges that I've had to deal with and I thought I was going to break. If I didn't have the most supportive family, my East Church family in Milton and friends I really would have. The encouragement, love and amazing amount of support has been so overwhelming and it has made me think I am SO LUCKY AND BLESSED to have each and every one of these people in my life.

And people who say Google+ and Facebook are a waste of time makes me know that it is not after this rotten moving experience.  The support, positive vibes, messages and words of encouragement have either come from people I have never met in person or people I don't really talk to very often.  It has been very overwhelming....but in a good way!

I have never taken anything for granted and this move has shown me that I shouldn't take the people for granted who have been there when times are really tough.  You truly do know who your true friends are when you really need help and who will step up to the plate when that time comes.

This blog is dedicated to ALL of the people in my life who has made an matter how small they think their contribution is.  You all have NO idea how much the presence in my life means to me and you all know who you are.  I love each and every one of you and I just want to say THANK YOU for being there for me and my husband and being part of our lives. And THANK YOU for helping make me see that everything is going to work out and be okay.

Well until next time....

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