Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, March 8, 2014


This is the day that I blog about my experience getting my driver's license transferred to Texas.  Having lived in three states I've had to deal with the Department of Moter Vehicles (NJ), and the Registry of Motor Vehicles (MA) which they are never pleasant experiences.

So shortly after I get to Texas,  I'm going to purchase a car. YAY! But then I find out that the guy says he can't sell me a car if I don't have a Texas driver's license. BOO! I'm thinking that is the craziest thing I've heard but I did some research and it is true. But you know what.... If I paid cash for the car, I would need NO license or insurance. They pretty much wouldn't care so I was upset about that. Now I have to take the day off from work (which I just started) because I know if is going to be a long ordeal.

I get up early so I can be the first few in line but these Texas people are early risers and there are about 40 people waiting outside. So I stand outside in the freezing cold for 30 minutes and finally get inside to warmth! I tell the lady that is checking me in and she asks if I have all of my paperwork. I tell her yes I had my driver's license, birth certificate, copy of my lease, copy of my renters insurance policy, and my original as well as my new social security card. She looks at me and says "oh you're married?" I told her yes and then she says "we need a copy of your marriage certificate so we can see where your married name originated from." Really? I've never heard of such a thing. So I go BACK home to get my marriage certificate then go back to the DPS.

Now I stand in the freezing cold for another 45 MINUTES! And finally get inside...ah the warmth again, I get a seat and have to wait for 2 1/2 hours before I get called. I go up to the counter and hand her all of my documentation and say you guys need a lot of proof of my identity do you need blood too? She just laughed and starts going through everything, gets to my birth certificate, flips it back and forth and says "this is not a birth certificate we can't accept this."  I can feel the anger and irritation rise within me and tell her that is all I have and it was good enough for the state of Massachusetts as well as Texas the last time I was in Texas. Then this lady has the nerve to point out that they still have my current Texas drivers license in the system under my maiden name and it doesn't expire until 2016.  I'm thinking then why are we having this issue? And why can't I just show you my social security card and marriage certificate to get my old driver's license changed?

She now has to go to her supervisor to see if it is OKAY. While she was gone I'm standing there thinking if they tell me I can't have my license then I'm gonna snap and they are going to have to deal with a very angry black woman. But lucky for her everything was okay and she proceeds with processing my license and I get my temporary one. Yahoo!

So 5 HOURS later I head off to the car dealership to get a car. And after being at thr dealership for 2 1/2 hours, I did and now I'm happy.  The last thing I have to complete is wait for my stuff to get here which the movers say should be next week then I can start getting settled. Because of the crazy weather in the Northeast as well as across the county, things have been delayed.  So we are still sleeping on the floor with air mats and an air mattress. I will be so happy to sleep in my bed when it gets bed since February 18th and counting.   UGH.....

Well until next time....

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