Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Saturday, February 22, 2014


THIS is the day that....I'm up early thinking about yesterday. Was it a day of mishaps? Maybe but it depends on how you look at it.

First we got up preparing for the day with the apartment looking like a tornado hit it. My husband is calm as a cucumber as I'm thinking there is NO way we are going to get this done by 10:30am. Well we didn't and I asked ifthe landlord could come back in an hour. He said he couldn't but he would come later that day. I wanted to be there for the walk through because you know how landlords try to scam people. But in this case we had no choice. My job start date has moved up to Monday so we have to get to SUNDAY!  YIKES!!!!

So we continue to pack the van and it is filling up quickly. So now the decision is that we have to start throwing MORE stuff away.  My anxiety levels are rising as this is the stuff I really really wanted to keep and I just had to let go.  I guess in the end it is materialistic things and I can always replace them.

It is about 2:00pm by the time we finished and I wanted to be on the road at least 2 hours ago. Thank goodness it isn't snowing but when we got to Rhode Island we hit a lot of traffic and there was a lot of fog! So we drive and drive and drive I'm thinking we are on the road for 6 hours and I look at the clock and it has only been 3 HOURS!  I want to keep driving but my husband thinks it is a better idea to pull over for the night but I think we should continue driving for as long as we can. Now we are driving through heavy rain which slows us down and then we hit rush hour traffic in Stamford Connecticut. Which led me to wave the white flag and give in to my husband's suggestion of pulling over for the night.

Through all of this Zoey has been a trooper....she just laid on the floor the whole time not complaining at all. Husband slept although he said I woke him up when I was singing Nights on Broadway along with the Bee Gees. Pfffffpt.....he doesn't know what he is talking about he was snoring. Or does he because I WAS listening to that song.

So that was our day yesterday, the van is packed to the limit but we will be chugging along shortly. We are enjoying the wonderful lame ass continental husband's words (well I am) before we pack the van and head out.

Before we came into the hotel last night I checked the odometer thinking we had driven a loooooonnnnng way and we haven't even driven 160 miles yet. Sigh
.....we have a very long way to go.  I thought we would have been near Maryland or something by now. Oh well... we come whoo hoo!

Well....until next time

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