Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


THIS is the day that....we got up early to complete the last stretch of driving. We have about 16 hours to go and we need to be in Texas TODAY!

We get on the road early and when we got to Arkansas I was thinking we are in the home stretch not much further. But it was still a long way off! Listening to the GPS mile after mile and it seems like it is never ending and that we are not going to get there in time.  This makes me nervous because the main thing that is on my mind is I have to be at work.

So we cross the border into Texas and I'm like YAY! Then I see a sign for Texarkana and we have 200 miles to go! Are you kidding me?????? So I'm thinking.....okay we are in Texas so we can do this. 

We reach our final destination around 11:38pm. Unload some things out of the mini van and spend some time with DaShonda (my friend who is a life saver by letting us stay with her until our place is ready) before I go to sleep.  I finally get into bed around 12:38am.  Why is it I get up at 4:45am?

So tired but we made it and drove 1,823 miles in 3 days.

Well until next time....

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