Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Sunday, February 23, 2014


THIS is the day that.....I'm taking time to blog about our trip yesterday while my husband is driving.

We got on the road about 9:00am. My mother told me last night that we have to do better than that and should be like my father. When we were kids my father used to wake us up at 2:00am to be on the road by 3:00am. Well that's not happening I am a morning person however my husband is not.  But we clocked a little over 700 miles yesterday so that's good. We drove through Connecticut, parts of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and almost all the way through Virginia. So that is not bad in a day of driving.

Our meals has consisted of gas station food, McDonald's, Subway and whatever the hotels have had for breakfast. I'm looking forward to real food when I get to Texas.

On a side note.....Zoey has still been awesome during this trip....she has slept most of the time and gets excited when she can stretch her little legs for the breaks.

Driving through Virginia was beautiful but I wish it were summer because it is probably even more beautiful with trees covered with leaves.

I guess will end for now...we have to haul butt to Texas as I have to report to work at 8:00am!

Well until next time......

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