Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


So in my lifetime I have had my fill of migraines and let me tell you they are not fun.  I have many friends who deal with migraines and one in particular who deals with them on a daily basis.  And I feel for her because it is to the point that they are debilitating and if she has 1 day where she has no migraine that is a miracle.  And even when she has a good day her body is so exhausted from being in pain for days at a time that this one day she tries to enjoy the few hours she has without pain but she is recuperating for the next time when the migraine comes back. 

So today during my commute in as I'm reading the Boston metro I come across this article by Joy Bauer (Health and Wellness expert for the Today show) and it is about 5 Healing Foods To Help Combat Your Next Migraine.  So I read it because I want to pass this information onto my friend but then I thought I will write a blog about it because I have several friends who deal with migraines and they might find this helpful.

So here is some things that she suggested that may be helpful:

1.  Ginger tea:  Ginger can help prevent migraines and can help relieve pain after you have one.  You can either buy the tea bags or make your own by taking thinly sliced pieces of fresh ginger and steep in boiling water for 5 minutes.

2.  Quinoa:  Now this I was surprised to see on the list but it is a great source of magnesium.  You can either cook it and eat it warm with herbs and spices or take left over quinoa and top it with Greek yogurt and chopped fruit and you have a "Breakfast Quinoa Parfait"!

3.  Eggs

4.  Spinach

5.  Mushrooms

The last three are excellent sources of riboflavin and it's necessary for the body.  I was definitely surprised to see these on the list as well.

But hopefully this will help some people who are looking to ease pain of these terrible migraines.

If you want to read more things from Joy Bauer here are her links: ,,, and you can even follow her on twitter @joybauer. 

Well until next time....


  1. For a little over a year now my, five year old daughter has been experiencing terrible migraines. My work colleague recommended Schrier Family Chiropractic in Delray Beach. Dr. Elan was very patient and thorough in his examinations. I notice since the treatments her condition has gotten much better. Today my daughter calls him Dr. magic hands. I would definitely recommend him, check out the website

    1. I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond. Haven't been in here lately. I'm also so sorry that your daughter has to experience such pain at such a young age. I am happy to know that the treatments are working so that is awesome! If my friend was in the area I certainly would forward her the information. Heck I will send it to her anyway maybe there is information she could find useful on his website. Thank you!
