Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Thursday, April 18, 2013


So Tuesday the day after the bombing at the Boston Marathon every one was suspicious about everybody.  You could just tell just by the way people walked around.  So after I got off of work I went to the Milton Fruit Marketplace (which is becoming my new favorite place) for some produce on my way home. 

Well after I finish shopping I had way more grocery bags than I know go in for a few things and come out with 50! I considered calling a cab but I figured I'm so close to home that it's not worth it to waste the money on a cab so I decide to take the bus.  

As I'm waiting for the bus a car goes past, stops and backs up.  The window rolls down and the woman in the car asked me if I needed a ride somewhere.  I politely declined and said that my bus will be coming shortly.  She then said, "Look....everyone is really on edge with what happened yesterday but I just want to give you a ride home.  It is cold and you really have a lot of bags so please let me give you a ride home."  Reluctantly I said okay and proceeded to put my bags in her car and get in.  When I get in the car I could hear her cousin through her headset screaming "WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY????  YOU DON'T KNOW WHO SHE IS!!!!"  With that she answered her cousin in a calm tone telling her that there was no way she could go past me when she was willing and able to give me a ride home.  And then she told her that if I even tried anything she would open up the door, push me out and take my groceries!  HA HA HA!  She continued to take me home, asked me if I needed anything else and introduced herself to me as Tamela and told me to take care.

So many of you are probably thinking I'm crazy for getting in that car and why did I do it.  Well was I nervous, scared and skeptical?  Of course I was, but I tell you what I did feel that she was okay.  So this lesson is yes there are still genuinely nice people out there who really are just being nice and do not expect anything in return.

So to Tamela wherever you are, I know that good things will happen for you because for someone to help another when not asked is the most genuine thing a person can do.  I will never know you personally, but know that you must be a pretty awesome person.  

She may never see this and I will probably will never see her again but I thanked her and felt like devoting this blog to her today.

Well until next time....

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