Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Okay I promised after my last blog that I was going to try to write about something a little more upbeat.  So this is going to be a blog that will probably make you laugh and then think "Oh, I hope that doesn't happen to me" or "Yup, that has happened to me". 

Since I have changed the bus I ride in the morning I ride the bus with three other women I met on the bus and they are just so nice.  So today is just like any other day and when we get to the train station we are speed walking to get to the train.

Well unbeknownst to me, my feminine products fly out and hit the ground.  One was in front of me and then the one behind me says says "I'm assuming these are yours since your purse is open!" and starts laughing.  Meanwhile a few other people were laughing and don't even get me started on my friend she was laughing soooooooo hard.  I'm thinking "HOW EMBARRASSING!!!"  My first thought was to just keep walking and say "Nope not mine!"  Meanwhile, everyone behind me probably saw what happened.

Then when we get to the platform and we are waiting for the train, she is still laughing hysterically (as was I ha ha!) and who was in front of me is in the dark asking what happened.  So I tell her and you would think she would be a little sympathetic but responded "Oh man...if I saw that I would have guffawed!"  And then she starts laughing now as well....nice real nice!

So ladies, please tell me that this has happened or almost happened to you as well.  Otherwise I would feel pretty dumb....or I need to stop carrying this cute purse that I have grown to love.  But after the events from yesterday, I guess it was nice to see people laughing and smiling even though it was at my expense.  LOL!!!

Well until next time....

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