Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Most of you may think this is a stupid blog and some may think it is funny.  But my thought is if you don't want to read anything stupid then stop reading now because it is random and kind of like WHAT????

So as I was eating lunch today, (my husband made the best pork chops) I get down to the meat near the bone and I'm thinking wow...this meat is so tasty, juicy and so good!  Then it makes me wonder.....why is the meat near the bone so juicy, tender and flavorful?  Well whatever it is it made me enjoy my lunch even more!

Now if you are still reading this, when are you going to learn your lesson?  I just stole approximately 42 seconds of your time.  Are you mad?  If so, sucks to be you!  HA HA!!!!

Well until next time....

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