Soothing Drops

Soothing Drops

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So I have been a terrible pet owner and haven't been up to date with Zoey's shots.  So it's time to start the year right and get her caught up with her shots. So we get there and of course...she is her little dramatic self...very clingy, scared, shy and not even eating the treats they gave her.  

So they check her eyes, teeth, ears, and took her temperature...she didn't even flinch for proud of her!  Then they check her joints and listen to her heart and doctor said wow...she is in tip top health you must take VERY good care of her.  (If only she knew....)  Then after's time for what she hates the most.....getting her nails trimmed.  I bet you thought I was going to say getting her shots...that was a breeze for her.  YAY!  

So it took me and one vet tech holding her, a "party hat" (aka muzzle) had to be applied...oh yeah she tried to nip ME!  She didn't like it one bit...but once they got the muzzle on her she calmed down and gave up.  Then after that was done you would have thought I took away all of her toys and didn't feed her...she is so dramatic and then she just laid down on the chair in the waiting room.  

So I paid and left and as we are walking up the hill...she is just so traumatized that she lays down in the middle of the sidewalk and WOULDN'T move!  So yeah...I had to do it and picked her up and carried her home which is what I told her I wouldn't do.  Yeah I'm the sucker.

So this is what she looked like when we got home:

Can we say drama queen?????

I should be pouting after I had to pay that bill.  I thought I was about to faint...after being here almost a year I'm still getting sticker shock.  Even they told me I bet they don't charge you like this in Texas.  I didn't even think that was really funny.

Well until next time....


I guess by the title of my blog today you are wondering what the heck this blog is going to be about. that I work in downtown Boston I commute with the many thousands of people on the MBTA.  Those of you who follow me on Facebook or Twitter have heard about my daily rants about some of these people that commute. Okay but let me get back to what I wanted to talk about.  

Did you ever notice that when you look up in the sky you see this:

A flock of with no airplane...but this picture was pretty cool!  But it's so funny how there is always one leading the group and the rest follow in uniform and so gracefully when one turns they all turn and it just looks so uniform and smooth.

Then you go camping and you might see this:

Maybe minus the snow it's too cold to camping in the winter

Then if you are so lucky to go on a safari trip you may even see this:

Just don't get too close, they will trample ya!  But wouldn't it be so cool to see this in your lifetime?  So calm and serene, the animals are all just getting along, they follow each other and take care of each other.

Then when I go downtown I feel like I'm in a herd, flock or pack...but there is no order, people are on your heels if you are walking too slow or they push and shove to get past you.  I make it to my job and walk out of my building and I see this:

Here is the group of order and chaotic.  I should have gotten a closer picture but the news crew was there.  This was a protest against Chase, Fannie Mae and Bank of America.  This was the March Against Wall Street Banks.  So I think why is a bunch of people called a group?  Why wasn't called a herd, pack or flock?  Why are there different names for different animals?  Strange I know...these are the things I think of when in the bathroom...I know TMI!

Well until next time....

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So it's not like I don't have anything better to do.  But I noticed that when I want to try a new restaurant, grocery store, or just a random place if I google it I can usually find it on Yelp.  Their website is for those of you who do not know.

But it is reviews of different places in your city by regular people like you and me.  It has a wealth of information and helps me decide if I want to go to the place I'm reading reviews about.  So of course if there is one place that has a ton of bad reviews, why would I want to waste my time or money going there to only be disappointed?  I know what you are thinking...just because other people may not like it doesn't mean I won't.  Yes I get that, but if all the people don't like it, I think that is a clear sign that that place just isn't good.  So why waste my time?

Well until next time....

Thursday, January 19, 2012


So recently I was able to visit this restaurant with some members from my church and try some of their yummy food!  This restaurant was located on 550 Adams Street in Milton Massachusetts.  This may not be much to look at from the outside but when you go inside you are in for a treat.  This restaurant is still casual but they take full pride in their menu items.  For instance, they use fresh natural and organic foods of good quality so they can knock your socks off.  Being a foodie as I'm looking over their menu, I get a happy warm feeling inside.  Those of you who know me personally know how much I love to try different types of foods.

So the waitress comes over and asks what we want to order and of course I would like to order one of everything so I could just take a taste.  But I just joined Weight Watchers last Saturday and it would totally suck if I blew it the first week.  So at work today I looked at the menu before I got there to plan what I was eating.  My choice was the Tuna Sashimi and the Market Salad.  When my plates came to the table everybody was ooooooing and ahhhhhing over how pretty my food looks.  I look at their plates and their food looks busted!  LOL  Except the cheeseburger plate...that looked really good.  The sashimi was very light and flavorful, it was thinly sliced tuna (not paper thin) topped by sushi rice, some greens, avocado and a miso vinaigrette.  Then a soy glaze drizzled around the plate...this was definitely a work of art. (I know....didn't take a picture but should have)  This fish was so fresh it was so awesome.  Then let me get to the Market think how can salad be exciting???  This place makes it exciting...first you think it is just gonna be a bunch of greens on your plate? is a tower of greens wrapped with thin slices of cucumber and topped with a champagne vinaigrette.  Talk about yummy!  Those of you who know me know that I talk....ALOT.  Well not during this meal and I don't think I have been this quiet in a long time.

So I guess what I'm basically saying is if you are ever in Milton, this is a cute little place to visit.  The food is great, ambiance is is fantastic, but the prices are a little on the expensive side.  But if you think about it for fresh natural organic will be paying a little bit more.  And don't you deserve to treat yourself every once in awhile?  Enjoy!

Well until next time....


Ahhhh so it was Friday the 13th and I get a phone call from the wife of the married couple.  Which by the way I just found out they are not married but will still refer to them as the married couple since you are accustomed to reading this episode like this.  So I see she is calling and answer the phone and what do I hear?  "Ohhhh Friday the 13th...this has been the worse day of my life!"  So  of course I am dying to find out what happened.

This was the day the husband has his restraining order case against the brother of one of the girls from upstairs.  Not only did they bring a lawyer....but they ripped the wife to shreds in court.  Lying and saying that she was screaming, she was drunk, kicking his car and punching his car window.  And then the one thing that the girls brought up was "we have pictures of her putting recycling items in our recycling bin".  Okay...SERIOUSLY????  Why does every single time these people who have nothing better to do bring up the stupid garbage and recycling bins.  I could careless if people used my recycling long as they were using the bin.  I could totally understand if she was throwing trash all over the place.  These women need to get a life and one needs to figure out if she works or not.  The judge asked her if she worked, she answered "I'm unemployed, I work for a catering company."  Soooooo which is it, do you work or not dummy?  I can answer that DON'T you freaking liar!!!!  All these people do is lie and they are getting away with it and making the life for this woman miserable and why?  Because she is the first person who has stood up to them and has not backed down.  

So in the end, she was just so upset and felt humiliated because the husband didn't speak up when he should have and that made her look REALLY bad.  She actually defended him and said "he was probably really nervous since he has never been in court before until all of this".  But can you believe all of this?  She actually said she cannot wait to get out of that house because she is scared to do anything.  I don't even see her walk her dog like she used to because the girls are "watching" every step that she makes.  I'm sure they are watching me too, I just don't say anything to them and they don't say anything to me.  The wife and I even stopped talking outside because she is scared they are going to start messing with me.  I told her let them mess with me because if they think you have given them a problem...I will be their worst nightmare.  She started laughing and I did too....but I'm not kidding.

Well until next time....

Friday, January 13, 2012


Oh brother....I cannot believe people.  So this is what happened just a few weeks ago and right before Christmas.  The married couple had to appear in court and the girls were there and of course they lied the whole time.  And first of all the judge knows these women are just wasting the courts time because all they did was complain about....are you ready for it.....the TRASH and RECYCLING BIN!!!  They told the judge that they have seen my neighbor put stuff in their recycling bin.  Okay really???? Are we back to that?  Why don't they just let that go?  And is it true that my neighbor has been doing that?  Yes it is but do you know why???? Because our recycling bins are smaller and we have 4 people sharing them but yet they have the largest one and there is only two of them.  Now does that sound right???  

Then they kept saying that they were scared of the wife, yet they are the ones who are causing the problems with everyone.  So when they were at court the judge pretty much told them to go to the mediation room and talk to the mediators to handle this situation.  So once they are in the room, and the wife starts telling her side of the story and about all the things that they have done and one of the girls pipe up and says "I don't want to do this...I want to go back to court!!"  The judge already told them they  didn't have a case because they had to have 3 incidents a piece against my neighbor in order to be able to get a protective order against someone.  But they were so nervous because they try to portray themselves to people as quiet people who do nothing to anyone and they act like they are the weaker link.  When in reality they are not.

So one day me and the wife are talking outside (and let me remind you that she is scared to even be seen talking to me because of what they might say) and the constable comes and serves her with papers.  Then we continue to talk and we go about our way.  A few hours later I get a phone call from her stating that the landlord will not be renewing their lease. I was thinking what?????  She was okay with it because she told me she isn't even happy being there in the house.  She's scared to do anything because the girls might make up a story about her again and it's always two against one.

My problem with this situation is.....why do they have to go but not the girls????  They are the ones who have put notes in my mailbox as well as the girl that lives above me, they have tormented the married couple downstairs yet they get to stay?  Makes me wonder if they do have something on the landlord...and that's why they have been around for 4 years.  Who knows...all I know is I will be here one more year and then I'm out of here looking for a new place.

Well until next time.....